Chapter 1: A Choice with No Options

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In a bustling marketplace where prices soar, the once enticing smells of spices, meat and pastries lose their allure. Beggars roam freely, casting a somber shadow over the vibrant fabric of the stalls, while the jingling of trinkets echoes with a cruel sense of mockery.

Amidst the murmurs of discontent and haggling, a young boy weaves his way through the crowd. Observing the scene around him, his eyes dart from stall to stall, taking in any information or details from his surroundings he can use - from the way a vendor handles their goods to the faintest crease forming on a customer's brow. He searches for an opportunity that will secure his next meal or a few precious coins.

As the boy makes his way through the bustling market, his attention is drawn to a commotion near a food vendor. Curious, he moves closer to get a better look.

"Come, young sir, this is the best deal you'll find in the whole market. Freshly prepared with the finest ingredients in the kingdom! It's worth every penny."

Moving to get a better view, the boy notices a well-dressed man negotiating with a vendor. His eyes gleam with interest as he watches the interaction.

"I don't know, it seems a bit steep for a simple meal. How about lowering the price a bit?"

"Huhhh? Lower the price, you say? I can't just give it away for free, you know! I have to earn a living too. How about I meet you halfway? You give me half, no, a quarter, and I'll give you the food and a drink to go with it."

"I don't know about that... It seems like a lot for a meal and a drink."

Sensing an opportunity slipping away, the vendor finally plays his final card.

"Trust me, young sir. You can't find a better deal in the whole market. In terms of quality, taste and quantity, I can guarantee you that this place has no competition".

"Hmmm.... If you say so.... OK, fine! As long as you give me the best food that the street has to offer!"

Observing the transaction, the boy was left speechless with the absurdity of the negotiation.

"Oi... you may look like a well off person, but you're too easy..." he muttered in bewilderment, his words barely audible.

Sensing an opportunity, the boy seized the moment. As a cautious thief, timing was everything, and he understood its importance all too well.

Assuming a nonchalant demeanor, he threw casual glances, akin to a curious country bumpkin exploring an unfamiliar environment.

Beneath his disguise, he scans the surrounding area, calculating several possible angles of approach and assessing each one for viability before finally noting any potential witnesses.

In a stroke of good fortune, his gaze lands on someone who might be able to unwittingly serve his purpose.

"Don't mind me, mister," with a playful grin, he slips behind a large man, effectively blocking the vendor's view of his small figure.

Out of sight, seamlessly blending the act with his movements, he quickly snatches a loaf of bread from the vendor's stall. Still unsatisfied, his gaze then turns back to the wealthy person who has just been cheated, as he eagerly waits for his next opportunity.

-Here it is!

The moment the vendor reaches into his pocket to give change, the boy springs into action. With deft and delicate movements, like a nimble cat, he gently snatches the bag from the wealthy customer and tucks it safely into his hidden pocket.

Unnoticed, he casually walks away. A small smile plays on his lips as he slips back into the crowd, skilfully disappearing out of sight.

"He looks about my age, but too bad, brat! you're too naive."

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