I had a sneer clearly visible on my face.

I'd sounded disrespectful in the calmest way possible and did it in a way that I'd mentioned the one thing that would permit me to leave.

"Kidnap?!" Says, Martha. I knew she'd get worried but I needed her to understand why I needed to get away from this woman. Plus I could explain things to her later on.

For the moment though, she could now make sure I don't get kidnapped cuz she was now gonna be more alert and probably end this session.

"Martha Briggel. Correct?" The woman said being responded to with nothing but a nod.

"I believe your brother is Conner Briggel? You are also aware he is a wizard. Correct?" The woman continued.

Looking strictly at Martha.

She had to be lying.

"Yes? Wait...how did you...? Oh... Y/N's also a witch? Isn't she? You've been sending her letters too. Haven't you?" She said her voice sounding like she was about to laugh.


Did she just-

Is magic real?

"Well yes. Of course, we did. We can't just arrive unannounced." Said the woman.


"And you're surprised that she reacts with fear of kidnapping? How secluded is the wizarding world? It was the same with conner too..." She said with a scoff.

Magic was real.

It'd set in.

Magic was part of this world and I had it.

I felt humiliated, betrayed, and attacked all at once, and let's just say it didn't feel too great.

They were still talking and if I was being honest it was almost like they were speaking a different language because I couldn't understand anything.

"I- I'm not feeling so good. I'm gonna head to bed. Can we continue this tomorrow?" I said on the brink of tears.

"But you need to respo-"

"Go on but I do hope we can discuss the situation civilly tomorrow." The woman said interrupting Martha.

"Sure," I say walking out of the room.

"Wait. I almost forgot but if it isn't too much trouble I'd rather you actually read the letter as it would help expand your knowledge of our world." The woman said. She held out the letter for me to take.

I was still mad at her so I had to control my reaction. I grabbed the letter showing the least anger I could (which was snatching it and mumbling an apology after)

I left the room. 

Step after step I hadn't realised when but  I'd burst into a sprint. 

My cheeks felt warm and my eyes stung so I wiped at it only to see I was crying hot tears.

I just ran and ran letting muscle memory guide me to my room.

Soon I was in my bed sobbing letting all my pent-up emotions from the past week. I felt stupid. I thought I was being some kind of hero when I wasn't. I thought I was saving myself. I was so so scared. I put so much effort into something so stupid. I just wanted to erase the past week.

I couldn't stop thinking about all the pain I'd felt so I didn't try. I let myself sob for what felt like hours. By the time my tears dried out I decided not to wallow in self-pity anymore. I'd rather have only wasted one week of my life on sadness.

I was about to go to bed. I began to clear the bed. Only to see the letter. Might as well open it. So I tore open the envelope and took out the thick piece of paper. It was almost card-like. I gulped the situation giving me serious de ja vu to the first time I did this. I looked at it and finally began reading it. It read:



(Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorc., Chf. Warlock, Supreme Mugwump, International Confed. of Wizards)

Dear Ms. Y/N L/N,
We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all the necessary books and equipment. The term begins on September 1. As you are a muggle-born we will be sending a staff member to inform you of our arrangements. We await your owl by no later than August 20.

Yours sincerely,
Minerva McGonagall,
Deputy Headmistress

I stared at it about to laugh. This explained absolutely nothing. Even if I'd read it nothing would have changed. This was pathetic. I was pathetic.

Maybe I couldn't waste another week in sadness. But I could definitely waste that night. And that was exactly what I did.

Author's note:
I wanna cry. I wrote this chapter much better but accidentally deleted it so now I have this shorter less impactful chapter in its place. I hate this T-T

Word count: 1322

~Author <3

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