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"you think you can hold your alcohol a little better this time?" devon asked as she poured us each a shot.

we're at some party that she dragged me too. i didn't really wanna go; hell, i could go the rest of my life without going to another one of these damn parties, and i think i'd be perfectly fine with that.

"i don't know," i mumbled unsurely as she handed me the shot glass. "i don't drink like you do."

"you'll be fine," she encouraged. "you ready?"


"mhm," i hummed lightly as i held the shot glass up.

she clinked her shot glass against mine before we both downed them. she was able to do it in only a second or two, while i done my in two swallows.

i hate this so much. why do people do this?

"you gotta do it in one go, baby," dev chuckled as she looked at my scrunched up face.

"i can't," i complained in a whine. "it's difficult. and it's so nasty."

"you'll learn to get over it," she laughed. "here, try again."

i frowned, and i dipped my head with a sigh as she took my shot glass from me to pour another shot into it. "do i have to?"

"you won't get good at it if you don't do it," she pointed out.

why would i want to be good at taking shots? this shit is miserable. i don't even like being drunk.

"i guess," i muttered.

she poured us both another shot. she counted down for these before we both took them. i still struggled with it, while she took her's effortlessly.

"jeez, you really do suck at taking shots," she shook her head. "here, try one more, and then we'll go sit, yeah?"

i didn't like the idea of taking another shot, but the fact that it would be the last one is why i agreed. so, she poured us another shot, and we downed it. still, i struggled with it.

"once you can actually take it in one go, it won't be as bad," she tried to assure me.

i doubt that.

i watched with furrowed brows as she grabbed two cups and started pouring some kind of alcohol into them. "i thought you said we'd be done after that shot?"

"no, i said we'd go sit," she corrected. "we're still gonna drink. you need to just calm down and relax, love. with a few shots in you and a drink, you'll be fine."

i could only agree to it as she handed me my cup, then helped me off of the counter i was sitting on. she lead me over to a couch that was, somehow, empty. there were people dancing and talking around the general area that the couch was in, but nobody was actually sitting on it.

"you know, i don't see why you were worried about coming to a college party," devon shook her head as she glanced around. "it's not too different from a high school one, now is it?"

i stared at her for a moment, already feeling the shots start to kick in. "i dunno... i haven't been to one," i admitted softly.

parties just aren't my scene.

"really?" she looked shocked by this. "well, i guess i'll have to start bringing you with me more, huh?"

no, please, don't.

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