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i shoved my hand into my pocket and fished out my keys. i sorted through them to find the key i was looking for. once i did, i used it to unlock the door, and i walked inside. i put my keys back in my pocket as i did, then locked the door back.

i looked ahead. i spotted jessie and miguel sitting on the couch; they were in an animated conversation about who knows what. they both called out a greeting as i walked in. alex was sitting in a chair as they played their guitar at a medium volume. they didn't even acknowledge that i had walked in.

they never do.

i walked over to jessie and miguel. jj dapped me up with a grin, and miggy gave me a side hug.

jess took a hit from her vape before she spoke. "we're about to start soon; we were just waiting on you."

"yeah, sorry about that; work kept me late," i rubbed at my cheek for a second before i opted to place my hand on the back of my neck.

i heard alex, who had stopped playing their guitar, scoff. i looked over at them, and i cut my eyes at them. "what?"

their eyes narrowed as they looked down at me and held eye contact. they're 5'10, compared to my 5'5 and a half inch. "did i say anything?"

"it sounded like you wanted to, so speak up," i told them.

they walked over to the back of the couch, and they placed their hands on it as they leaned forward; i was still standing in front of it. "nothing, it just sounded like a half-ass excuse to me."

"mm, say that to the six hour tattoo i had to do," i crossed my arms over my chest.

alex was about to speak again, but was stopped as jessie sat up on the arm rest of the couch and slung their arm around alex's shoulders. "i think it's time we started practicing, yeah? c'mon."

"yeah, i'm ready," miguel was quick to agree with a nod.

jessie grinned. she tried to lean forward to jokingly press her lips to alex's temple, but alex rolled their eyes and shoved jj away before she could. alex narrowed their eyes at me again before they turned around and walked back over to their guitar. jess's shoulders slumped as they pouted.

jess glanced at me. "sorry about them. alex is just... well, they're alex," she sighed with a shrug. they stood up. "they'll be bearable, if you get to know them."

i doubt it. they're so full of their self and thinks they're so much better than everyone else; i don't see how jessie and miguel even get along with them.

i followed behind jessie as they walked over to all of our equipment. she went to sit behind her drums, while i walked over to my guitar. once everything was set up, we started practicing.

as always, alex made it a point to stand close to me as we played, standing just a foot in front of me as they looked down at me. i know they're doing it to intimidate me and in hopes that it'll mess me up, but it won't work.

"if i were you, i'd put that away. see, you're just wasted and thinking about the past again. darling, you'll be okay," they sang. "and she said."

"'if you were me, you'd do the same, 'cause i can't take anymore,'" i sang as well. "'i'll draw the shades and close the door. everything's not alright, and i would rather.'"

alex rolled their eyes as they took a step back, then faced away from me. my own eyes narrowed before i stepped back as well. i walked over to miguel as i played, and he flashed a grin as he started obnoxiously headbanging, which made me laugh.

we practiced quite a few songs before we took a break. alex walked upstairs, but i paid them no mind as i took a seat on the couch. jessie walked over to the refrigerator.

"saylor, you want a drink?" they called out as they held up a beer.

"uh, yeah, sure," i shrugged. they offered one to miggy as well, but he shook his head as he held up his hand.

jessie walked over with two beers in her hand. they plopped onto the couch and handed me one of the bottles. as they sat down and reached into her pockets, i used my thumbs to pop the lid off.

i glanced at them, and i saw their jaw slightly dropped as they now loosely held out a bottle opener. "never-mind then, i guess," she mumbled, which made me laugh.

they opened their bottle as i took a sip from mine. "so, you're a tattoo artist, huh?"

my brows raised a bit, and i relaxed into the couch as i took another sip from my drink. "yeah. it's fun," i shrugged.

"i was one for a bit, but i quit," they let out a puff of air as they slung their arm around the back of the couch. she raised a brow. "can i see some of your work?"

"yeah, sure," i gave a nod as i pulled my phone out of my pocket. i went to my photos, then went to the album that has all of my pieces. i handed the phone to her. "here, just swipe through them."

i watched as she swiped through them. i noticed how they looked attentively at each one. "dude, these are sick. i might have to schedule an appointment," they chuckled. they then paused. "well, i don't know... kai would be fuckin' pissed."

"who's kai?" my brows furrowed together.

"their tattoo artist; she flies back to los angeles for all of her tattoos," miguel snickered. "she refuses to get tatted from anyone else."

"i trust kai!" jj defended as their eyes widened. "i don't trust anybody else to tat me."

"i can respect that," i laughed. "i only get tatted by one person too."

miguel's face scrunched up as he crossed his arms over his chest. "i can't say the same; y'all stay safe though," he shook his head, which made us laugh.

i looked back to jessie. "now, what i will judge you for is: los angeles? really?" my face scrunched up. "you needa stay away."

they kissed their teeth. "nah, you too?! i'm not doing this shit, bro," she shook their head, then hit the side of her right hand against the palm of her left hand. "los angeles is where it's at, on god."

"yet... you live in new york," i sent her a look.

"well, yeah, but that's not important right now," they argued.

"it is."

before we could continue, we heard footsteps. we turned around, and we saw that alex had finally come back downstairs. when they walked closer, i could see that the whites of their eyes were now red. as they got even closer, i could smell a bit of weed on them.

"y'all ready to practice again?" they raised a brow.

my eyes narrowed slightly, while jj and miggy said that they were. alex raised a brow, and they placed their hands on the back of the couch again as they leaned down a bit to look at me.

"well, saylor? you ready?" they tilted their head. they glanced me up and down. "or are you just gonna sit there?"

i kept my eyes on their's. "nah, i'm ready; i've been waiting on you."

"mm. right," they agreed sarcastically. they pushed themselves off their couch and started to walk towards their guitars. "i'm in the mood to play naked. are y'all down for that?"

a/n ayooo




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