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it's nearing two in the afternoon as i sat on my couch, with my guitar in my lap. i've been strumming half-heartedly as i laid lazily against the back cushions.

i let out a sigh. i leaned forward, and i grabbed my pack of cigarettes off of the coffee table. i grabbed my lighter as well. i grabbed a cigarette out of the pack and then tossed the pack back onto the table.

i placed the cigarette on the top string of my guitar, before i thumped it so that the cig went into the air. i caught it between my lips, and i smirked to myself. it had been a while since i've tried that, so i was happy to have gotten it on the first try.

i lit the cigarette, and i took a drag from it as i tossed the lighter onto the coffee table as well. i leaned back against the cushions again, and i positioned my fingers on the fretboard. i went back to lazily and half-heartedly playing whatever song came to mind.

i looked down at the body of my guitar. it was the little, black acoustic guitar that i had bought while we were on tour. since then, jessie has drawn little designs all over it in white. it was mainly just doodles of little characters and shit; i just wanted something on there to make it stand out some and also be pleasant to look at.

after a while, i stopped playing, and i let out a sigh. i checked the time. it was just past three in the afternoon now. i had smoked three more cigarettes.

i set my guitar to the side, and i looked around for my phone. once i found it, i propped my elbow on the armrest of the couch, and i rested my face against my fist. i used my other hand to scroll through my phone for a moment. i looked through my contacts before clicking one and bringing my phone to my ear.

it rang three times before i heard "hello?"

"hey, darling," i murmured softly as i relaxed back against the couch.

"and what are you calling for?" saylor asked in a teasing tone.

"just calling to see what you're doing," i answered softly as i dropped my fist from my face to instead trace shapes into the arm of the couch. i brought my left leg up to rest my ankle on my knee.

"nothing, really. i've been binging some show on netflix since twelve," she answered with a bit of a sigh. "it's not even that great; i'm just bored."

i let out a small chuckle. "well... why don't you come over?" i suggested as i kept my eyes focused on where i was still tracing shapes into the arm of the couch. i pulled my bottom lip between my teeth as i waited for her answer.

"yeah?" she replied smoothly after a small pause. "i could be over in about forty-five minutes, if you want me to?"

"i'd like that," i gave a small nod, even though she couldn't see me. "oh, could you make sure to bring my jacket that i left there?"

she was silent for a moment. "... you want it back?"

"well, yes, i want it back; it's my jacket," i made a face. "i didn't give it to you; i just forgot it."

"ugh, you have some nerve," she groaned, though she was teasing with it.

"you haven't been wearing it, have you?" i almost laughed at the thought.

"no," she answered. "well... maybe once."

i tutted a few times as i shook my head. "remind me not to leave jackets at your place," i teased.

"oh, shut up," she kissed her teeth. "i'll be over soon. bye, alex."

"bye, angel," i snickered.

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