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Tyler watched Zenai's story the next day with a confused look on his face.

'If she don't got a boyfriend who this is ?' he thought.

He turned his face into a mug the more he thought about it. He knew he didn't really know the girl so he couldn't be mad if she did have a boyfriend, he just thought he would have competition. So, he turned his phone off and put in his pocket leaving his hotel room.

He knocked on Justin's hotel room door. The door opened and a girl quickly slid pass Tyler. "Excuse me" she said while she walked by quickly. Tyler stopped looking at her and turned back around to go into the room when he did he saw Justin walking towards the door putting his shirt back on.

"nigga how you get some pussy before me?" Tyler asked Justin laughing. Justin just shrugged with a lazy smile on his face while he sat on the bed. "So what you want "Justin asked the boy. Tyler sat at the desk that was in the hotel. "I'm tryna go to a party or sum." Tyler told Justin which made Justins flash with realization.

"dis girl was just textin me talm bout sum come to dis party I wanna see you' "Justin mocked the girl making Tyler laugh and get up walking toward the door. "alright im finna go put sum clothes on."Tyler said walking out the door.


Zenai woke up to her phone ringing, she ignored it pulling her cover over her head. Realizing the ringing wasn't stopping any time soon she grabbed it answering the phone. "what" she slightly yelled into the phone.Jayden turned around on the bed wrapping his arm around her, "chill ma" he said in her ear his voice coming out raspy due to him just waking up. She mumbled a 'my bad' and focused back on whoever was on the phone.

"why you still sleep this late, and who you got over there?" Zenai heard Alaiya say to her."you need to stop waking me up Lai" She responded to the girl. "Fine but its a party I'm tryna go to tonight, you wanna come? "Alaiya asked Zenai.

"And you can invite that boy you got over there "She continued. Zenai smacked her teeth knowing Jayden heard. He let out a small laugh and Zenai said, "ok I'll see you later lai."She hung up. "you tryna go to a party?" Zenai asked Jayden making him nod from behind her.


I'll update tomorrow cs this chapter short asl

𝐅𝐀𝐓 𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐊𝐒-𝐋𝐮𝐡 𝐓𝐲𝐥𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now