A Summer Surprise

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Scott's Perspective-

This summer was supposed to be perfect.

It was the first happy summer I would be having in a while.

A summer with Jimmy.


I sat outside the café, waiting nervously for Jimmy.

This was going to be our first date after the school year ended.

I was excited for this summer as I was able to spend it with Jimmy.

I then saw Jimmy walk up to me, smiling and blushing.

I flushed pink and smiled back.

"H-hey Jimmy!"

"Hey Scott!" Jimmy smiled, "How're you doing?"

I shrugged, "I'm alright."

Jimmy nodded before we walked in and sat down.


"-and then Grian said that he was walking his cat! I never knew he did that!"

I giggled, "I've seen people do that before."


"I can see it." I said, smiling.

I loved hearing Jimmy's fun stories.

Anytime spent with him felt like the best day ever.

As we finished up our food, we got up and walked outside.

"Wanna walk across the bridge?" I pitched.

"Sure!" Jimmy said.

I smiled as I held his hand and walked across the bridge with him.

Jimmy blushed and I felt my heart rate pick up.

We sat down at a bench and continued our talks.

"So...do you mind if I ask you something?" Jimmy asked awkwardly.

"Sure." I said.

"Er- I was just wondering...what was it like with Eliot?"

I felt my heart stop.

"I- er..." I coughed awkwardly before looking down at our interlocked hands.

"It was like this. At least at first. He was so kind and sweet and then he cheated on me."

"Why do you want to know?" I asked.

"I just- I was nervous I was treating you like Eliot did." Jimmy mumbled.

My eyes widened, "You're nothing like Eliot! You...you actually care about me."

My grip tightened but Jimmy didn't let go.

He looked at me, concerned.

"I- Eliot just wanted himself to be happy. He was selfish, you're nothing like that."

I sighed as I leaned my head on his shoulder.

We then fell into a silence.

But it was a comfortable silence.

Staring up at the cloudless, blue sky.

People were walking and biking by, but it was peaceful.

Just watching as life went by.

"Thanks Jimmy." I said after a while.

"For what?"

I looked at him and smiled, "For caring."

I then kissed his cheek.

Jimmy blushed and held my cheek.

I blushed as I leaned into the touch.

"I'm just happy you're happy." Jimmy said before leaning in and kissing me.

I kissed back, smiling.

We broke apart, both of us red as I leaned back on his shoulder.

"Now come on," Jimmy said, "Let's walk around."


Me and Jimmy soon started to walk through the town.

As we did, someone walked up to us and asked us where The Jazz Café was.

I didn't recognize him at first as his hair had changed from blonde to strawberry blonde.

But then I acknowledged his voice.

It was like his voice.

My eyes widened as Jimmy told him where the café was.

"I- Eliot?!"


Ooooo, plot twist! And yes, I did reuse the Walking Across A Bridge One-Shot bc I'm lazy and you cannot stop me >:)

If you're wondering on the timeline, Tom had dated Xornoth earlier in the year, got abused, and then ended that relationship around April. Tom's fine now, don't worry. But yes, Eliot's back!!!

Go check out my art book and see the cover up close bc there's some foreshadowing there and I hope you enjoyed this chapter and am excited for this sequel!!!

(Also I may update it later today if you guys want!)

Bittersweet Coffee: A Sequel To The Jazz CafeHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin