Name: Mai Cranston

Face Claim: Julia Rehwald

Face Claim: Julia Rehwald

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Age: 18-years-old

Race: Asian American

Power: Super Speed

Weapon: Power Dagger

Character Description: Since the death of her mother, Trini Kwan, Mai has always felt she needs to live up to her mothers goals. But after learning that her mother was the original Yellow Ranger, that pressure grows exponentially. It's only with the help of her close friends and father, Billy Cranston, Mai feels the confidence to take on the legacy as the Yellow Ranger.

Pink Ranger

Name: Lisa Richards

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Name: Lisa Richards

Face Claim: Amandala Stenberg

Face Claim: Amandala Stenberg

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Age: 19-years-old

Race: African American

Powers: Flight

Weapon: Power Bow

Character Description: Even before becoming a Ranger, Lisa lived a double life. Being the daughter of a single mother can be a lot but when your mother is the mayor of the town, that comes with expectations. The only time where she feels that she can be herself is when she's with her four childhood friends. Once she and her friends are chosen to be the new Power Rangers, Lisa will now know the true meaning of a having a dual identity.

Blue Ranger

Name: Alex Ramirez

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Name: Alex Ramirez

Face Claim: Diego Tinoco

Face Claim: Diego Tinoco

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Age: 18-years-old

Race: Hispanic

Power: Super Strength

Weapon: Power Lance

Character Description: Alex always had trouble trying to find his true meaning. He lived in a big family, before Leo and Hari moved in with him, and was always looked over and no one really paid attention to him, other than his friends. Once becoming the Blue Ranger he finally found his true meaning, which was protecting the town and his family at all cost.

Black Ranger

Name: Hari Patel

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Name: Hari Patel

Face Claim: Neel Sethi

Face Claim: Neel Sethi

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Age: 17-years-old

Race: Arab

Power: Phasing

Weapon: Power Ax

Character Description: Hari was always the quiet one, of the friend group. Being the smartest and youngest came with some quirks but he also struggled with his sexuality, as a Gay young man. Once becoming a Ranger it was no longer time to stand behind and let everyone else handle it. It was Hari's time to become a hero.

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