Chapter Seventeen - Toils of War

Start from the beginning

''Ohh I swear James has that beautiful villa in Italy by Lake Como? I remember Steve mentioning it.'' Natasha placed a hand on her heart.

''I have business to take care of'' Fallon shook her head.

''Oh come on. You deserve a holiday you know! Can't be always working''

Fallon sighed. She didn't want to say it out loud. Saying those things out loud made them real. It seemed though she won't wriggle her way out of this one. ''James and I are no longer together'' Fallons voice was raspy. Strained from the screams of the night before.

Natasha stopped talking, with her mouth still open. She shut it and then opened to say something, but stopped. Natashas eyes studied Fallons features. Red sunken in eyes, pale skin and groggy voice.

''Are you guys bickering again? You two and your commitment issues I swear''

Fallon chuckled, it was low and unamused. ''No. We just not made for each other''

''Now that's the biggest lie if I ever heard one''

Really rubbing salt in the wound.

''You and Steve should definitely go on holiday'' Fallon took another sip of the coffee. Bitter smoke and coffee lingering on her tongue. '' and I have business to take care of''

Fallon locked the ache deep in her being. No more weakness. She failed once, she will not do it again.

She had to protect what was really hers. And James was not it. She was a fool to believe it in the first place.

''What actually happened?'' Natasha frowned. The seriousness of Fallon weighing down on her.

''Nothing that affects the reason why we are here. Business must go on, I am not finished''

''Will you ever be?'' Natasha scoffed and leaned back in the seat.

''Not until I have air in my lungs'' Fallon sat down in her office chair and opened her laptop, the last window with Tony Starks name on it still open, staring back at her face. As if mocking.

''All I'll say is don't make rash decisions. I know that this empire is everything you dreamed about, but yet having a somewhat normal life doesn't have to be thrown away''

Fallon looked up and smiled. ''There was nothing normal about James and I''

Natasha pressed her lips together for a moment. ''And that is why you and James are perfect for one another''

Natasha stood up and headed out of Fallons office. She walked across Olivias desk and walked into her own office shutting the door behind. Natasha pulled her phone out and dialled Steves number.

''Hey babe'' Steves cheerful voice came through the receiver.

''Hey'' Natasha leaned on her desk.

''Whats up?''

''Have you spoken to James today?'' Natasha chewed on her lip.

''Not yet, just walking through the lobby now. Why?''

''It seems Fallon and James had a falling out, but she's not telling me anything'' The worry in her voice was evident.

''I'm sure they will work it out'' The sound of the elevator ding could be heard through the receiver.

''I'm not so sure this time, she said they were over'' Natasha sighed. ''I'm just worried about her. I've never seen her as happy as when she is with him. Would you talk to him?''

Steve gulped, guilt of the knowledge of their plan sinking into him. He stepped out onto the floor of James office. ''I will talk to him'' Steve looked up as the sound of smashing glass could be heard.

To Dazzling Darkness - Bucky Barnes x OCWhere stories live. Discover now