Chapter Two - Dr Sarah Thompson

Start from the beginning

"I thought I made it clear the last time we spoke Doctor, I do not want to talk to you anymore".

The Doctor took a good look at Ronan's features. He looked as tired as a fading sunset, his face as pale as a lily crowned with moonlight. His clothes were a mess, as if he slept in them, which Ronan did.

"I do remember our last conversation Mr Flynn, but I'm afraid your brother insisted. Now, are you going to invite me in?"

Ronan's grip on the door hardened, his knuckles turning white. He took a deep breath before stepping to one side, allowing the Doctor to enter.

"Sorry about the mess Doctor Thompson. I wasn't expecting company so soon."

"As I have told you many times before, you can call me Sarah"

Sarah took off her coat and hung it up before taking a look around the room. It was a mess, but she wasn't surprised.

"How long is this going to be? I'm busy"

The tone In Ronan's voice was impatient and stern, but Sarah took no notice and took a seat, before motioning Ronan to do the same. The detective did as he was told, wanting to get through this as soon as possible.

"So, how are you feeling today?"

Ronan only just snorted. What the hell does she think?

"I'm fuckin hunky dory, now are we done?"

Sarah just smiled

"What did we say about lying Mr Flynn-"

"For god sake call me Ronan, I don't have time for this polite garbage"

He couldn't help the words coming out of his mouth. He knows she only wanted to help. But he just wanted to find the person responsible for the murder of his family. He put his face in his hands and took a deep breath.

"I'm Sorry, Doctor... I- I just want to get back to work"

Sarah nodded

"I understand you want to find the person responsible, but I just want to help you get better. Would you like to discuss your recent incident?"

Ronan sighed and rubbed his eyes. He knows he's not getting out of this. Sarah is too good at what she does.

"I dunno okay? It was just the heat of the moment. I was drunk, I could not control my feelings"

"I see, and has your drinking gotten worse?"

Well judging from the amount of bottles in the area it was kind of obvious

"Yeah... I guess so. But it helps".

"How so?"

Why was this her business? He can drink whenever he wants

"It just does. It keeps the feelings hidden"

"Well according to your recent incident, your brother told me he saw you drunk on the roof of this building"

He bit his tongue. He didn't know how to reply to that. Instead, he got distracted by Luna jumping on his lap, desperate for attention.


Ronan just sighed and stroked Luna's fur, the sound of her purrs bringing a small smile to his face.

"I think it just impacted my emotions. Last night... Was the first time I cried since the funeral."

Luna snuggled deeper into Ronan's lap as if she knew how sad he was feeling

"Has Luna helped improve your moods? I know it was Ethan who named her."

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