Chapter 11: Take over

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Mamori: That's not good.

Mirei: Agree but why did he take over the castle?

Y/n: Probably nothing good.

???: Y/n.

They look over and Y/n was shocked to see Akira limping towards them while reaching out her hand towards her before she collapses onto the ground.

Y/n: Akira!

Everyone was shocked that Akira is a women but it doesn't matter no more as she is injured and needed medical attention so they race her into a small medical building and soon after Akira woke up and sees Y/n next to her.

Y/n: You okay?

Akira: Y/n.....I failed. My identity is exposed, the cast is taking over. I failed everyone on this island and doomed us all.

Y/n: Hey don't blame yourself Akira it's not your fault. Right now we need to stop Saku before something bad would to happen.

Akira: But how? He's too powerful to defeated him.

Y/n: (smirk) No one isn't powerful when I'm around. Trust me, we can beat him for sure.

Akira: I hope so. Still, thank you.

She smiled and soon Meifon rushed in and tells her.

Meifon: Hey we got a problem outside.

Y/n: (sigh) What now.

The two head outside and move through the crowd and once they gotten pass Y/n's sees Charlotte, Kasumi and the other girls from the castle looking at them as Charlotte tells them.

Charlotte: As you may or may not know the castle has fallen and now we needed a new place to stay so far now on, this will be our new land for us so unfortunately you all have to move.

Mirei: No way!

Mamori: You can't do that! It's not far!

Meifon: Yeah why not go back and retake the castle?!

Kasumi: The castle is heavily defended and we are outmatch against that and this cyborg warrior.

Meifon: (angry) So your just gonna give up!?

Kasumi: Unfortunately yes.

Charlotte: Yes so now you all move while we remake our own kingdom here.

Meifon: (mad) No way! This is our home and we're not leaving!

Charlotte: Leave now or we have to make you all leave ourselves.

Then a huge argument begun as both sides yell at each other which Y/n and some watched and this made Y/n had a enough so she gets in the middle and then yells at the top of her lungs.


They all quickly shut up and look at Y/n as she look at the two and then starts by saying.

Y/n: Look at us. Arguing each other about territories in the time like this? There is a threat out there that is gonna kill us all and maybe the rest of the world unless we go out there and put a stop at it. We maybe from different areas from this island but we are here together. We were left here by the government because we have a virus within us and instead of working together and build our new home here, we just separated each other because of what? Power? Intelligence? Or something else. This is our island now qnd instead of fighting each other we should be working each other because this is our home! So.....will we fight each other....or fight together?

There was slince from both sides as no one doesn't know what to say.

???: We agree with Y/n!

Charlotte and Kasumi turn and then Nimi and Noe came out from the crowd and walk over to Y/n and then the two turn back to Charlotte and Kasumi whole holding each others hands and said.

Noe: We should be fighting together rather then apart.

Nimi: That's right. There is no difference between us. We live in the same island and we should fight together to save it rather fighting each other.

All girls look at each other and they agree. Then Kasumi walks up to Y/n and the two stared at each other and then she reach out her hand to Y/n for a signing of peace. Y/n looks at Kasumi and her hand and then she grabs hee hand and shakes on it. Charlotte rolled hee eyes and then ask.

Charlotte: So what's your plan taking back the castle and saving the island?

Y/n: (smirk) Let's share our plans at the meeting room. Come on ladies! We got an island to save!

To be continued........................................

Valkyrie drive X OP Female reader: An unbelievable warrior on an Island Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz