Chapter 3: A titan girl

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It was a peaceful day as we see Y/n by the lake with her spear that she crafted as she stare down at the river waiting for her move. After a long while she slowly move her spear and raise it into the air and the stabs her spear into the lake while she stab two fish.

She pulls them out and she smirks at the fishes she has captured and walks back to her crafted bag and throw the dead fishes into the bag and we see other fishes that she caught in there as well.

Y/n: (smile) There. That will keep us going for a while. Wonder what Mirei and Mamori are up to with the mushrooms? Oh well.

She grabs the bag and make her long journey back home. It's been like days since she was on this island and she start to like it as her new home. The girls were very nice, well a bit too nice but she can shake it off. Well nit all girls as some who live in the castle that may not want her in but she can live without living in a fantasy like castle.

She wall through the dirt road while she can't help but hear nature around her with many peaceful sounds around her. Still disbite being alone she can't help but feel like she isn't alone so she stop and looks around, she scan the trees and bushes and now she knows that someone is spying on her.

Y/n: Alright come out and show yourself already. I know you are spying on me now show yourself.

At first there was silence and Y/n thought it was all in her imagination when suddenly two hands wrap around her gently while her back of the head was pressed with some women breast as the she giggled behind her.

???: (smirk) Well aren't you a cute one.

Y/n leaps away from her and turn to see the woman with massive breast that can't be possible. Then another footsteps are heard behind her so she turn and summon her sword and aim the tip of the blade at another women who stare at her and the blade she is holding.

??? 2: Impressive. You can summon a weapon without a need Extar.

Y/n: So you were spying on me? Just who are you two?

Lady J: (smirk) The names Lady J and that's Rain.

Rain: We're a Hybrid just like you but we can each turn into weapons.

Y/n: So you two are Hybrids? Huh, thought I was the first?

Rain: No your not. Unlike you we rather not be in any of those factions and live alone.

Y/n: That's kinda lonely?

Lady J: (smirk) Maybe but it's good to meet another Hybrid like yourself. A strong and cute one in fact.

Y/n: (blush) Huh?!

Rain: Lady J please leave her be.

Lady J: (giggle) What ever you say.

Rain: Yes we were spying on you but it's because we didn't know if it was true until we see you and you summoning q weapon right now.

Y/n: So what now?

Rain: Listen there is many dangerous people that might want your power so if your in trouble by anyway, come to our home and we can discuss our ways of escape.

Y/n: So you two also wanna escape as well.

Rain: We believe this island may have hold secrets and possible a way out of here.

Y/n: That's what I was thinking. I was thinking there is a base that control those shields that is surrounded the island or somthing to get us out.

Rain: Still if your in trouble but anyway, come to us and we can make our plans to escape.

Lady J: (smirk) It's nice knowing you but we have to leave now, see ya.

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