Chapter 5: The deeper we go, the more secrets to find

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We see the hallway of the abandoned underground laboratory as we see the lights are turned off but quickly the lights all turn on as we can hear the vent system and many other electricity machinery turned on and at first there was only silence. Then suddenly Y/n break through a wall and crash into several other walls behind her as she crash through many holes and then crash into what looks like a storage room as she lands hard onto the ground and then crash into a few boxes that shattered into pieces of wood.

The wooden rubble piled on top of her follow by dust but slowly she came out from the rubble and slowly stumble away from the rubble while she felt her arm hurt a bit but she'll be fine. She then heard footsteps coming through the hole so she hide among the cargo and then we see Saku as he step out from the hole and look around, scanning around the area for Y/n as he step inside the storage room and look around. His wipe dragged along the floor while he looks around for Y/n as we can see her sneaking around the cargo boxes, trying to avoid him as best she can.

She then accidentally knock something that made a sound and Saku stops and turn and look around. After a while he just continue on walking while Y/n peaks over and breath in a sigh. Then Meifon peaks over behind her and Whisper which startle Y/n.

Meifon: (whisper) That was close.

Y/n: (whisper) Jesus Meifon! You scare the living hell out of me!

Meifon: (whisper) Sorry but why did he suddenly attack us? We didn't do nothing to him.

Y/n: (whisper) Must be blind of being tortured for all these years and acts more like a machine then human now, but with a hatred of humans now.

Meifon: (whisper) Crap. Maybe this was a bad idea to come here. Maybe we should leave?

Y/n looks at the cargo that was near them and summon her sword and stab her sword onto one of the cargo and opens it up. Inside was something that amazed them. Inside the cargo were let's of tools and equipment as Y/n reach Inside and grab a tool that she look at and look inside the cargo.

Y/n: (whisper) This cargo is too good to pass off. We're taking them.

Meifon: (whisper) Yeah but the problem is how? Are you even strong enough to lift them?

Y/n thinks about it and then look up to see a claw above them and she turn and see a control room which Y/n tells Meifon.

Y/n: (whisper) Make your way into that control room while I'll hold Saku off.

Meifon: (whisper) Right. Go get hum tiger.

She slap Y/n on the butt and runs off. Y/n just ignore that and make her way deeper into the storage room and looking for Saku. She walked through the left side of the cargo and trying to find him but no luck what so far. Suddenly a grab breaks through the cargo, grabbing her by the neck and then Saku breaks Y/n through the cargo and tossed her at the other side and she crashed onto the wall.

Saku: I found you at last. You humans will not torture me any longer. It's time for you to die.

He pulls out his wipes on each of his arm while Y/n stood uo and changed into her armor and before she could fight him she tells him.

Y/n: Listen Saku! We're not the people who torture you. Those scientists years back are the ones who torture you and turned you into something like that. Please, can we settle this without either one of us get hurt?

Saku: .......No.

He then throws his wipe at Y/n which she dodges and throws her boomerang at Saku but he dodges them and even dodges them when they return back. Then Y/n fires a grapple at his head and pulled him towards her and she punched Saku in the face. Saku slide onto the ground but he stood up and stop himself and then charge towards Y/n and tackle her as the two crash through several cargo boxes and breaks through the wall just as Meifon burst into the control room and leap onto the controls.

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