Chapter 13

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Trish woke up, drenched in sweat all over her body. She was terrified and breathing rapidly. Her head throbbed from crashing into the wall and there were a few drops of blood on her pillow. "Damn, that hurts," she muttered to herself. She shouldn't have attempted that stunt again. It was too dangerous, all for the sake of wanting another werewolf so badly. She needed to think more clearly next time. Her body ached; travelling through the dreams of others required a lot of energy, so she knew she would feel like a sack of potatoes today.


When Dean heard gunshots coming from behind the packhouse, he was surprised. They had a shooting area, but no one had ever really used it. Most werewolves despised guns as a weapon. Could it be hunters, he thought? But his fears were quickly dispelled as he noticed his sister's lean figure shooting at targets. He walked across the lawn to get closer to where she stood.

"Bad hunt yesterday?" he smirked, leaning against a tree for support. There was a gunshot from Trish's gun.

"Don't start," she grumbled, "but I was a good girl, well, almost."

"You better not play with my warriors," he teased, as another shot sounded, "especially when your eyes are set on a bigger fish." Another shot.

"You're too perceptive, brother, for your own good." Shot.

"And you seem lost."

"Funny, Astrid told me the same thing yesterday. Not with the same warm smile, though." Trish lowered her gun. "Let's go eat some pancakes."

"How do you know it's pancakes?"

"I'm not a frequent guest here, but Mom always makes MY favorite breakfast when I'm home."

Trish loved her brother and felt safe with him. As the Alpha's daughter, she had trouble making friends in her pack. Everyone wanted to be friends with her, but they only saw an Alpha's daughter in her. Dean was always honest with her and really cared for her. She trusted him completely, and he was her friend. Perhaps that was another reason why she and Astrid didn't get along well - they had to share Dean.

"I should tell Dean about my vision," Trish thought. On the other hand, she didn't want to scare her brother for no reason. As a newly appointed Alpha, he already had a lot on his plate. Trish also wasn't sure if it was a vision or more of a hallucination due to invading Caelan's dreams.

"I talked to Mom. Be careful with the Northerners, Dean. I agree with her, and I feel they're up to no good," she said, perhaps just steering his focus in that direction would be more helpful than frightening him with the vision.

"Why?" Dean's tone became serious. "Have you heard something?"

"They're warriors, and warriors need to fight. Caelan...Alpha Caelan told me that for peace to be sustained, you need to be able to protect it."

"That's true. I can't argue with him on that one."

"Yes, but...I don't know. I have this creeping feeling that they shouldn't be trusted."

"Have you seen another vision?" She shook her head timidly. "Has Alpha Caelan done something?" Dean stopped and looked at her.

"No, Dean, it's not like that. I'm sorry for bringing it up. Don't worry about it too much," Trish said as she pushed her hair behind her shoulders and continued walking. Dean couldn't help but worry. He replayed his conversation with Alpha Erik over and over again, and now he couldn't shake the feeling of unease in his gut. He knew that the northerners were up to no good, but he had no idea how to stop them. After the Celebration, he and his father Arne had decided to send an offer of alliance to all the major Alphas in the South to protect themselves against the North. It wasn't a perfect solution, but it was the best they could come up with.

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