Chapter 5

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Despite Trish's inability to find her True Mate, her mother, Alexandra, did not lose hope. Trish came to this conclusion as she tried on one of the dresses that Luna Alexandra had prepared for her.

"I'd rather not wear the pink one, if that's okay with you," Trish told her mother. Alexandra refrained from arguing with her daughter and simply nodded.

"The blue dress looks good on you," Alexandra commented.

"Yes, it's lovely, but I can imagine how many other women will be wearing blue. It's such a classic color," Trish replied.

"Sometimes it's not bad to be a little bit more... traditional," Alexandra hinted at something else.

"I think we have a winner," Trish said as she twirled around the room playfully after emerging from the bathroom. "What do you think?"

"I had a feeling you'd like it," Alexandra smiled. The dress Trish had picked was a slim, off-shoulder design with turquoise and pineapple yellow intertwined. "Although I think you may shock some of the guests."

"You mean the Northerners? I've always wondered why they wear so much gray, as if their territory isn't gray enough already," Trish added. "A little color would do them and me some good. This is the one!" she grinned at her mother.

"Trish, a lot has changed since you've been away," Luna sighed.

"Okay, I may be a terrible child, but I know when it's time to listen. Can you fill me in so I don't make a mistake at the event?"

"There are rumors that the North is militarizing too much, which can't be good. The scattered packs of the South wouldn't stand a chance against a combined North, so it's crucial that we maintain the peace."

"What do you mean by a combined North? Uncle Erik hates that arrogant and crazy man, what was his name? Alpha S... something like stone?"

"Alpha Sten is dead."

"Well, I can't say I'm overly sad about it. He was a terror wherever he went, and I nearly wet my pants the first time I saw him when my dad took us to the Celebration. If anyone was going to start a war, it would be him, not Uncle Erik," Trish shrugged.

"Stop calling Alpha Erik your uncle when he's not," Luna scolded.

"Yeah, it's kind of stuck with me, he asked me to call him that himself, you know."

"But you are not a child anymore."

"I know. I know. So where were we? I promise I won't interrupt," Trish lied down on her belly on the bed, ready to listen to her mother intently. It was intriguing to be away for so long and now hear all the rumors and drama that had been circulating.

"A long time ago, Alpha Sten exiled his only son from his pack. Cruel as Alpha Sten was, he thought his son would be killed in the wild areas by Alpha Erik, but he underestimated Erik's intelligence. Instead of killing the son, Erik took him in, trained him, and became his mentor."

"Epic," Trish said with her hand near her mouth, as her mother rolled her eyes. So much for not interrupting.

"Alpha Erik is well known for his combat skills, so he built a society that favored warriors a long time ago. The same seems to be happening with Alpha Sten's Great North pack, now led by his son, who is obsessively loyal to Alpha Erik. Now imagine two large Northern packs combined and skilled in combat – what would they do next?"

"I want to reply that they don't have much to do in the North but that is what actually scares me. If you are a bored warrior, what can come across as a great entertainment for you? A war would be a good option," Trish replied sarcastically, wishing she could hear rumors about who slept with whom instead.

"Another issue with excessive militarization is the rise of radicalism, Trish. I'm afraid our customs might antagonize them, as you know better than I, the Northerners are non-believers."

"Yeah, Alpha Erik used to call me a little witch, but it was more of a joke between him and my dad," Trish reminisced.

"That may have been a joke 10 years ago, but I'm not sure if it's still going to be taken as one," Alexandra added.

"I won't hide just because some gray, depressed men can't handle colorful dresses, wild dances, and magic rituals," Trish said firmly as she stood up from the bed and took out a purple ampule from her bag to inject.

"Don't you think it's time to stop hiding Mira from the world?" Alexandra asked, raising a brow.

Trish felt Mira awaken in her mind and nod pleasantly. "Not yet, Mom. I have a great life out there. I am doing just fine. One of my paintings will be displayed at an exhibition next month. I don't want to lose it all because the Moon Goddess has paired me with some jerk. It can wait a little longer," Trish replied.

"You won't be able to call him a jerk after you feel the Mate bond," Alexandra smiled.

"That's what I'm afraid of, Mom. And with the current political situation, I'd rather not know who my destined mate is to avoid further complications for my family and me," Trish admitted.

"Darling, M said that this poison will take a toll on you," Alexandra reminded.

"It's not a poison, Mom. It's a vaccine, and yes, M has already taken a lot from me. She took my wolf. Mira has to stay in my mind because of her," Trish corrected.

"No, darling, it was you who traded your wolf for human life," Luna Alexandra reminded Trish gently, nudging her to take ownership for the decision made. She got up from the chair to leave.

"I did. I chose to follow my passion and stayalone because of that. I'll be ready in an hour," Trish replied coldly. Shedidn't enjoy such conversations. At 17, she was afraid of finding her mate andbeing taken away as his slave and housewife. She wanted to be an artist andlive in the human world, but no one would allow their mate to roam freely amonghumans. She made the decision to trade her wolf for a human life, and to thisday, she wasn't sure if it was the right choice, but she was sticking to it no matter what.

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