Issue 2: Fantasy and Reality

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The bus eventually arrived at its stop and all the students inside got a grand look at Wittebane Enterprises. The rather massive building that made everyone feel fancy just by looking at it.

Luz smiled. "Welp! We're here!"

"Man, it's much bigger up close." Vee said before seeing their teacher get up from their seat and beginning to guide students outside.

Willow stood up. "That's our cue!"

"Fancy laboratory, here we come!" Gus said as he followed her alongside Luz and Vee.

When they all got outside, they all gathered up and the teachers gave their usual speech of being respectful and to follow the rules. Whether or not anyone had the intention to break them was unknown, but hopefully low.

But then, Luz felt someone grab her shoulder. She jumped a bit and turned around to see a familiar face with short blonde hair, a gap in his teeth, and chocolate brown eyes.

This was none other than Hunter Wittebane.

"Welcome to my second home." He whispered with a smile. "Did I spook ya?"

"A little, you jerk!" Luz whispered, lightly pushing him playfully.

Hunter just grinned before turning to the others. "Hey, guys. Sorry I didn't show up at the bus. Dad wanted to take me himself."

Vee just shrugged it off while Gus did his signature secret handshake with Hunter, the two softly laughing.

"D-don't worry about it, Hunt." Willow said with a light...blush.

Luz, Vee, and Gus immediately noticed. But with an almost evil grin, they decided not to say anything.

Then, a voice called out once the teacher stopped talking. "Hunter!"

Hunter's eyes widened a bit and he turned. "Oh! Dad! Hey!"

Hunter's father was practically the spitting image of him, just with much longer hair and obviously a lot taller with a dark suit on. He handed Hunter a backpack. "You forgot this."

"Ohhh, right! Sorry." Hunter laughed as he took the bag. "Everyone? This is my father. You've met him before, I'm sure."

Hunter's father, Caleb, laughed a bit. "Luz, Vee, Willow, and Augustus. Good to see you all again."

"It's nice to see you, sir!" Luz smiled. "Thanks for letting us all come here! I mean...this place is basically a mansion of science fiction!"

Vee nodded. "Your research on nanotechnology is astounding!"

Caleb's eyes widened slightly in surprise. He had met up with the Noceda Twins before, he used to know their parents after all, but he hadn't seen them enough to know their interests. "And you...understood it?"

Willow giggled. "Yeah! We did a group project on it! And no, we did not use Hunter as a cheat sheet."

Hunter grinned. "I offered."

Caleb laughed a bit, crossing his arms. "Well, looks like we have some potential scientists in the making! Don't ever be ashamed of being smart, it gets you through school. After all, I'm something of a scientist myself."

Luz giggled. "Didn't you start this company?"

"I may have started it, Luz, but I'm not the sole reason it's still up." Caleb said. "Speaking of which, I better go inside. Enjoy the tour, kids!" He smiled as he walked off.

Willow then looked at Hunter. "Your dad's still super nice...although, I'm still wondering why you two look so much alike."

Hunter shrugged. "Maybe I'm secretly a clone of him created in a gigantic tube."

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