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—Delilah Quinn—

I looked at the blood on my hands as I refrained myself from driving it across my skin. I felt empty and dumb. How could I find myself getting betrayed like this. Not after all that I had built up for myself.

Lucas, Oj, and Rosalie was no where to be found. They had wondered off and here Alona and I were trying to find a way to get her idiotic lover to safety.

How could anyone be so stupid? Alona knew what it would be like if she loved anyone and stayed in the BMMC. It wasn't a very good look. For none of us.

Autumn wasn't so lucky. She had to suffer with the thought of her lover not loving her back if she still even had thoughts.

Just imagine loving someone and waiting around for them just for them to disappoint you every time. It wasn't fair to Autumn.
  "This is all my fault." Alona cried out as we reached an dark alley.

I wanted to assure her that it wasn't and that she needed to think positive but if these were my last moments on earth. I wasn't going to lie to her.


We woke up the next morning and nobody else was in the room with me. Everyone had gone and disappeared.

I looked over to my right for my phone but it was off the charger which means it was dead. Did I really forgot to charge it? What the fuck was I on last night?

  "Good morning, pretty girl." Alona says before she walked into the hotel and plopped onto the bed next to me.

I groaned before throwing the covers over my face and sighing. How did she have so much energy in the morning?

Maybe she got lucky last night. That's when my lips formed a small smile. I had realized that Rosalie was the only one that got lucky last night.

  "How'd you sleep?" Alona asked me before tossing the cover back off my face.

  "I slept well. How did you sleep? You know, next your crush and all." I teased her.

She rolled her eyes before smiling. She then plopped next to me on the side of the bed and sighed.

  "It was amazing. She wouldn't give me space or anything and I woke up to her giving me a kiss right on the forehead. It was so romantic." She smiled brightly,

  "Someone's in love." I song teasing her some more.

She grabbed the pillow as she tried to suffocate me. I rolled away as I fell onto the floor and we both broke into laughter.

The moment was interrupted by both Autumn and Rosalie as they walked into the room.

  Autumn grinned at us, "looks like you two are having fun." She says before walking into the bathroom.

Rosalie on the other hand rolled her eyes as she carried a guitar case in her hand. Where the fuck had she been?

  "What's with the guitar, Rose?" I asked her,

Her face heated up as she looked away from me. I couldn't tell what the heat was from but she did seem a little embarrassed.

  "My brother always wanted on. Since I know how to play, I went into town and brought him one."

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