Chapter Forty-Two

Start from the beginning

Today was one of the days where I will have to help with training. I walked out to the field and the group of young adults greeted me. They were all around my age. "Alright guys. You trained in your wolf yesterday, so we're gonna train in human forms" I announced.

I trained the group a few times, so I was used to everything. "Find a partner, who isn't your mate" I said while looking at the guys who inched towards their mates. They always want to be partners with their mates, so they won't get hurt. But if the guys are taking it easy on the girls, then they're not really training.

Everyone got into groups of two and the guys looked worriedly at their mates. There was only one person without a mate, Giovanni. People just call him Gio. He was one of the quiet people. He's a hell of a fighter though.

"Gio. I guess you're my partner" I said. He nodded and stood next to me. "Let's start with dodging. Choose a person to throw the punches and kicks, the other one will dodge them. We'll switch when I say so" I told the group. They nodded and exchanged a few words with their partner before starting the exercise.

"You hit. I'll dodge. And don't hold back" I stated. Whenever someone has to be my partner, I can tell that they aren't giving it their all. They're always afraid to hurt me or something. Gio nodded and got in a fighting stance.

His arm flew out and I moved my head to the side. He threw punch after punch, to my head or stomach or arms, basically everywhere. "You don't kick much, huh?" I asked after we took a short break. We were about to switch, so everyone got a five minute break.

"I'm not sure how to" he said sheepishly. Well, he can't just throw punches.

I nodded towards the field with dummies. "I'll show you" I said. I positioned myself in front of dummy before kicking it as hard as I could. The dummy moved back about three feet.

The group started hollering. "Way to go Luna!" I smiled and did a dramatic bow.

"Get into your fighting position" I ordered Gio. He nodded and got in his stance before the dummy. I instructed him the steps and a few tips. Before our break ended, he could kick. "Everyone who dodged will now throw the punches and kicks. Anyone who was hitting will now dodge. Understand?" A chorus of 'yes's sounded across the field. I got in position with Gio and started hitting.

After about and hour and a half, we were done with training. I was sweating my ass off. "Hey Brian" I greeted him as he met me on the back porch.

He handed me a towel to wipe my sweat. "You do know you don't have to participate in the training, right?" he asked as we walked into the kitchen.

I shrugged. "It's kinda messed up if I just stand there and watch everyone train" I stated. Everyone was sitting around on the counters. After training, we all just hang out in the kitchen and eat junk food. So we basically sweat off a few pounds before eating junk food to gain the weight back.

I grabbed an orange Fanta out of the fridge and hopped onto the island. Shawn threw me a bag of Hot Cheetos. "What is up with that soda and chips?" Peyton asked while nodding towards my junk food.

"Its the best soda and the best chips" I said with a shrug. "It's a hundred times better if they are together"

I opened the bag and the smell of Cheetos entered my nose, but it smelt gross. It made me want to throw up. "What's wrong?" Peyton asked.

I pushed the bag away from me as I gagged. "You guys don't smell that?" I asked. I covered my nose and mouth with my hand. Everyone looked at me in confusion and shook their heads. "It smells disgusting. Its old or something" I stated.

Shawn took the bag from me and smelt it. "It smells normal" he said. I shook my head in defiance as another gag escaped my mouth.

"Ew. Don't do that. Imma barf if you keep doing that" Britney said with a shudder. I gagged again, but this time, I felt something coming up.

I ran to the bathroom and emptied my stomach into the toilet. I felt a couple of people push my hair out of my face and gently rub my back. Everything that I ate today just went to waste. After I finished dry heaving, I stumbled to the sink and brushed my teeth twice.

I threw my hair into a messy bun and splashed my face with water. "You okay?" Peyton asked as she rubbed my back. I quickly shook my head as another round of nausea took over. I leaned over the toilet and proceeded to dry heave.

"Someone get the pack doctor!" Britney shouted as she, Peyton, and Hope rubbed my back.

Shawn rushed into the bathroom and gagged before covering his nose. "Dr. Nale went with Asher" he reminded us.

"Well, fucking call him!" Peyton demanded. My legs started to feel like jelly and I shifted from side to side.

"Brian! We need your phone!" Shawn shouted quickly. I groaned as my legs gave out. I fell on the cold tile and squeezed my eyes shut. "Crap" Shawn cursed whilst the girls peeled me off the floor.

My ears started ringing and my head started pounding. Everyone was shouting, but I couldn't hear anything. I let my chin fall to my chest and started to give into the darkness.

Until I was slapped. "Don't close your eyes! Stay awake!" Peyton screeched. I nodded in response and forced my eyes open.

A phone was shoved into my face. It was on speakerphone. "Baby. Eve?" a familiar voice asked.

"Asher?" I whispered weakly. My eyes started drooping again. Peyton smacked my cheeks and I opened my eyes. I squeezed my eyes shut as a pain erupted in my stomach. It was like someone was stabbing my stomach.

"Stay awake, baby" Asher cooed. "Where does it hurt?" he asked softly. I opened my mouth to respond, but instead of words, a loud scream escaped my lips. I laid back down on the floor and clutched my aching stomach.

"Her stomach. Its her stomach" Hope answered for me in a panic. I couldn't make out what Dr. Nale said, but I heard his voice.

"I don't know. She said that the chips smelt weird, then she threw up" Britney explained.

I let out another scream. "Make it stop! Make it stop!" I shouted. I opened my eyes and noticed that most of the pack was gathered in the doorway. "Make it stop" I whispered. I was on the verge of passing out. My eyelids felt like they weight tons. Right before I passed out, Dr. Nale spoke up.

"Is she pregnant?"

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