Chapter 10: Mistakes

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Rocket hopped after Nicole. "I still think you're making a mistake. No matter how much I love dear Ruby, it's better for her to not meet your father."

"What if you're the one making a mistake to keep them apart? Let her decide for herself. Let her experience this and see for herself instead of brainwashing her and crushing her self confidence. Who knows, maybe they both need this encounter to heal or at least move on?"

"But. But..." Rocket stood still and drooped his shoulders. "But what if she then no longer needs Huwa and me?"

Nicole stopped in zheir tracks. Zhe looked at Rocket who had made himself small. His eyes were clouded as he hugged himself.

Nicole sighed sadly. Zhe kneeled next to Rocket and laid zheir hand on his shoulder. "Hey," zhe softly said. "Ruby loves you two, no matter what. You were there for her when she needed you the most and I know you'll continue to be there for her.

Let her meet him. She might gain a father, but you will always be her dad."

Rocket wiped away a tear. "You think so?"

"I know so." Nicole smiled. "Now let's go ask her to join us."

"Yeah," Rocket said and led the way back to the pub.


They found Ruby sitting in a comfortable chair, chatting with Henry and Victoria.

Rocket fetched some extra food in the kitchen and told Huwa about what happened as Nicole made zheir way to Ruby.

Ruby was in the middle of telling a joke when she noticed Nicole. Ruby immediately straightened her back. "Are you already back from father? How has it been? How was he?"

"I haven't yet seen him," Nicole said. "It's not fair I go see him alone while I know you're longing to see him too. So let's go see him together, sis."

Ruby swallowed. "I'd just ruin your chances on a happy reunion. You know I'm unwanted."

"That's not true, Ruby. Your mother's actions were unwanted. You aren't to blame for what she did. I need you, Ruby, and I think father might need you too. I can't do this alone."

Ruby's lip trembled as her heart wavered. "I... I.... I'll help you through this, but the moment I notice you can handle it, I'm out."

Nicole nodded. "Deal." A smile crossed zheir lips as zhe took Ruby's hand. "Now let's go!"

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