Chapter 7: Huwa

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The smell of fresh bread welcomed Ruby and Nicole as the bright golden light slowly dissolved.

A warm wooden floor and warm wooden walls decorated with colourful photographs and art work surrounded them.

A bunch of colourfully dressed individuals sat scattered around the room on comfortable chairs behind colourful tables and sofas placed around funny shaped poofs as a white hen was drying a beer glass behind the bar.

The moment they noticed Ruby was crying, they all hurried around to comfort her and guide her to a comfortable chair as they ignored Nicole's presence.

The hen filled the glass with fresh water, grabbed a plate with fresh fruit and hurried to Ruby as well.

The hen placed the fruit on the table and gave Ruby the water. "Here, drink this, Ruby. It will help you calm down. Do you feel comfortable sharing what happened with us?"

Ruby drank some water as she tried to hold back her tears and snoth slithered down her chin, but to no avail.

The moment she thought of all those flowers she had been carefully nursing that were destroyed within seconds by the person giving her life, yet destroying everything she loves while both denying her true self and deadnaming her whenever she had the chance, tears flooded down her cheeks and snoth fell on her shirt as she cried her eyes out.

Life was not fair, she never wanted any of this, and if she could, she'd cut her ties with her birth giver, but her mother tracked her down wherever she was, destroying every bit of happiness that made Ruby's life worthwhile.

The colourful individuals consoled Ruby as the white hen listened carefully. "It must have made you feel terrible," the hen softly spoke.

Ruby nodded.

"I'm relieved you were able to escape, Ruby. You're safe here. We'll all protect you from your mother. Do you hear me? You're safe, Ruby."

The hen gently laid her wing on Ruby's shoulder. The colourful individuals cheered, saying Yeah and Count on us, We'll keep you safe.

Ruby snuggled against the hen's feathers and cried. "Thanks, mom. Thanks, everyone."

When Ruby calmed down, she noticed Nicole awkwardly standing in the middle of the room. Ruby dried her tears. "Oh, right. This is the person mother has kidnapped this time. Ehm, I haven't yet asked your name."

"I'm Nicole."

The hen opened her wings. "Welcome in our humble pub, Nicole. I'm Huwa. What are your pronouns?"

"She/her," Nicole said as she looked at all the eyes staring at her. She rubbed her arm as she looked at the floor. "But I'm not sure of those," she added. "I mean, that's how everyone always refers to me, but they never felt great."

Huwa nodded knowingly. "What pronouns do feel great?"

"Zhe, zheir..."

"Zhe, zheir it is. Can I offer you something to drink? Do you have any dietary restrictions?"

Nicole looked confused.

An individual in orange clothes and matching leaf hat explained: "It's almost time for afternoonsiez."

Nicole raised zheir eyebrow. "What are afternoonsiez?"

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