"Oh- sure" Liam replies. He slowly climbs out of Jasper's lap before kissing him and throwing his lunch away. Edward stands by the lunch doors, waiting for Liam and holding the door open for him. 

"Finally got away from that girl. Good grief" Edward sighs when they leave the lunch room. 

Liam chuckles before grabbing Edwards hand and running down the hall. Edward lets Liam drag him down the hallway, watching Liam's bright smile. They arrive at Liam's locker near the front doors. 

Edward leans across the locker next to Liam's and folds his arms across his chest. Liam opens his locker and grabs his history book.

"Wait. You actually needed something from your locker?" A voice comes beside them. Liam and Edward turn their heads to see Jasper walking towards the locker. 

"Well, not actually but, I figured since we were here I would grab my book now,"

Jasper finally makes it to Liam's locker and glances at it. Hanging up on the door of the locker were pictures of him and Liam. The first one was him and Liam laying in Jasper's bed, Liam sleeping on his chest. Another one was him laughing with Liam. Jasper's face had a large smile that brought a smile to Liam's face every time he looked at it. The last one was a photo of Liam cuddled up with Jasper, Emmett, Carlisle, and Edward that must have been taken by one of the girls. 

"Where'd you get this picture from Li?" Jasper asked as he pointed to the one of Liam and him laughing. 

"Oh- I got it when I first spent the night and I was telling you jokes all night. I thought you looked handsome so I took the picture when you weren't looking," Liam said. "I hope you don't mind"

"Of course not, baby"

The bell rings, signalling for the next bell to start. Liam turns to Edward, who was still leaning against the lockers, and gives him a hug. 

"Goodbye, Eddie" Liam says. 

"Goodbye, my little spider monkey" Edwards turns around and walks towards his class. Liam closes his locker and grabs Jasper's hand before dragging him off to history class.


The reservation was one of the few places Liam liked to go when he had the time. One of the reasons was because Jacob lived here and the other was because La Push was on the reservation as well. It was a beautiful place. Well.. As beautiful as you could get in a small, rainy town like Forks. 

Liam had Jasper drop him off after school, much to the dismay of the vampire. 

"Call me if anything happens, okay?" Jasper said as Liam climbs out of the car. 

"Of course. But I think I'll be fine" Liam said, grabbing the car door. "I love you"

"I love you, too" Jasper said. Liam shuts the car door and Jasper drives off, leaving Liam to walk through the woods on his own. 

The walk was silent, just like how Liam liked it. He could hear birds chirping and squirrels running up trees. It was calming for once. As he was walking, he finally came into a clearing with Jacob's house. 

Jacob was out working on a red truck out in his driveway. 

"Hey, Jacob!" Liam called. Jacob lifted his head from the truck's hood and waved. 

"Hey Li!" Jacob said and came running over to Liam. "Where have you been? I haven't seen you since that incident at school."

"I've been hanging out with the Cullens. Sorry I haven't been here in a while," Liam said. "Who's the truck for?" 

"Oh, it's a welcome home gift for Bella. Chief Swan bought it off of us and wanted to give it to Bella" Jacob explained. Liam nodded his head.

"Anything I can help with?" Liam asked. 

Jacob gave him a look. 

"You? Help with a car? Remember what happened last time you tried to help?"

"Okay, that was not my fault! You said to unscrew the bolt but you never said which one! How was I supposed to know that the bolt I unscrewed would start to spill out some black liquid" Liam exclaimed. 

"Oil, Liam. It spilled oil"

"Whatever it was. I don't care. All I know is that it stained my shirt"

Jacob laughed and went back to working on the motor. Liam grabbed a strand of Jacob's hair. 

"You need a haircut. I think you would look hot with short hair" Liam said and let go of Jacob's hair. 

"You think so? I'll consider it"

It was quiet for a few minutes before the garage door opened. Billy came out of the door, rolling down on his wheelchair. 

"Hey! You get that truck engine finished?" Billy asked. "Oh, hey Liam"

"Hey Mr. Black" Liam said.

"Yea, dad. It's ready to go" Jacob said and closed the hood of the truck. 

"Great. Let's go drop this thing off" Billy rolled to the side of the truck and opened the door. He opens the door and lifts himself into the passenger seat of the truck. Jacob turned to me. 

"Wanna come with us and drop the truck off?" He asks. 

"Um.. I don't know. I don't think Bella would appreciate me being there" Liam says, fiddling with the sleeves of his hoodie. 

"Come on, it can't be that bad! Bella could never hate someone like you"

"Jake, I really shouldn't. Thanks for the offer but I should get going" Liam says. Jacob sighs and nods his head. 

"Alright, I understand. Come back again soon, okay?" Jacob says and wraps his arms around Liam. "Thanks for hanging out"

"Of course. I'll see you later, okay?" 

Jacob hops into the driver's side of the truck and starts the engine. Jacob waves and pulls out of the driveway. Liam pulls his phone out of his back pocket and dials Jasper. The phone rings multiple times before going to voice mail. Liam sighs and tries to dial Emmett instead. 

The phone rings and once again, he is met with voice mail. The same thing happens with Carlisle and Edward. 

Liam sighs to himself. "Maybe they're hunting?"

"Who's hunting?" A voice asks from behind him. Liam whips his head around and looks at a tall man with black hair and a missing shirt. 

"Oh! U-um.. nobody. Sorry I w-was talking to myself" Liam says and avoids eye contact with the male. 

"If you say so. What are you doing at the Black's house?" He asks. 

"I was just hanging out with Jacob but he had to leave with Mr. Black to go drop off the truck" I explain and slide my phone back into my back pocket.

The male nods his head.

"I'm Paul, by the way" He says.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Liam"

"Nice to meet you, Liam. By any chance, do you need a ride home?"

The Boy in Forksحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن