Chapter 30

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The next day Jules reluctantly got up from bed. She had to meet the new band today, but everything in her just wanted to curl up and die.

Matty had tried calling and texting her all day yesterday, to which she ignored every single one of his advancements. She didn't want to talk to anyone, she rather spend the day crying while looking at pictures of the two when they were happy, before she came along.

When Jules arrived at Dirty hit headquarters she slowly trudged her way to the small meeting room. Before opening the door she checked herself in her phone camera, to make sure she looked somewhat presentable, and not like she had been crying on the way over. She put on her best fake smile and opened the door, revealing two men, they immediately turned to her and smiled.

"You must be The Driver Era right?" Jules asked, as she shook both of their hands, "Yeah! I'm Ross, it's nice to meet you, '' the blonde haired man said, as he sent her a wide grin. "I'm Rocky, it's nice to meet you, Julie right?" he asked, "Yeah but you can call me jules, it's nice to meet you both, I'm looking forward to working with you guys" jules said, and for the first time in the last 24 hours, she smiled a real genuine smile.

"So we're starting off the tour in America, correct? Believe the first show is in Los angeles" she said, looking at the email Jaime had sent her earlier that morning. The two boys nodded their heads in response, "Looks like we, wow we leave tomorrow, guess there's no need for me to unpack" she responded, slightly laughing at the last part. "Yeah, it's crazy , can't believe we're leaving so soon!" Ross said, "I look forward to working with you both." Jules responded, she felt her phone buzz again and just assumed it was Jaime texting her, but when she looked at the notification, she saw it was a picture of Jade Matty had posted to his instagram.

Jules's throat tightened and she felt the tears threatening to spill, "Jules you ok?" Ross asked, breaking the girl out of her trance. She looked up at him, his brown eyes clearly showing worry for the girl in front of him , "Yeah, sorry wow this is so unprofessional I'm so sorry guys' ' she said, trying to regain her composure. "Hey no worries, I know we just met but we're here if you need anything" Ross responded as he placed his hand on top of hers. She nodded her head, "Thank you both" she replied, looking back and forth between the two brothers.

"I'll see you guys tomorrow at the airport, I'm so excited to start this new journey '' Jules responded, she quickly shook both of their hands again and made her way out the door and to the elevator.

Just as the elevator doors were about to close, an arm quickly reached out, causing them to open again. Jules kept her eyes on the floor, wanting to avoid eye contact with whoever was about to walk in. "Hey julie!" a chipper voice said, jules looked up to find ross standing infront of her.

"Hey ross" she responded, sending him a weak half smile. "Everything ok? It looked like you were about to cry, I know we just met but i'm here if you ever need to talk" he said. She nodded her head "Thank you ross" she said, looking back up at him, her sad eyes meeting his soft brown ones.

In that moment her walls broke down and tears started to fall in steady streams down her face, ross immediately pulled the girl into a hug, rubbing her back in an effect to soothe her.

Unfortunately the hug was cut short when the doors opened, revealing the almost empty lobby, "How about we go get some coffee and you can tell me whats on your mind, does that sound good?" the blonde haired boy asked, as he gently wiped the tears from her eyes. Jules nodded her head, "yeah that sounds good, thanks ross" she whispered, as the two pulled apart and made their way out of the elevator and towards the coffee shop.

After the two had retrieved their coffees, they decided to go to the park nearby to have their conversation. "So julie tell me whats going on" ross asked, as the two sat down on the small wooden bench.

Jules looked down at the paper cup in her hands and responded "My boyfriend broke up with me, he said he had feelings for the girl he promised wouldn't come between us" she mumbled, the tears coming back to her eyes. "Jules I'm so sorry, god what a dickhead you didn't deserve that, god men suck don't they" he said, the last part caused her to chuckle softly.

"Yeah you're right, but you don't suck I think you're quite nice" jules said, looking back up at the boy next to her, a tinge of pink spread across his cheeks at her compliment. "Thank you Jules, I think you're quite nice too" he complimented her back. "Thanks ross" she responded, the same tinge of pink spread across her cheeks as well.

"You know when we were in the meeting, I got an instagram notification, guess I forgot to turn them off for him, but it was a photo of jade, thats the new girl, god we just broke up and he's out with her, what a fucking traitor" she rambled, a mixture of both sad and angry tears flowed down her face.

Ross pulled the girl close to him, trying his best to comfort her. Jules welcomed his embrace as she cried in his arms, "God jules I'm so fucking sorry, theres no excuse for what he did, hes an asshole who didn't deserve someone as kind and beautiful as you" ross responded, pulling her closer and placing a kiss on her head.

Jules welcomed the sign of affection from him, 'if matty got to move on quickly why couldn't she?' jules asked herself, of course she wasn't ready for a relationship but a little flirting couldn't hurt, plus he was cute and sweet enough to let a girl he just met break down in his arms.

"Thank you ross, really I needed that I needed to get that all off my chest" jules said as she pulled away from his embrace. "Anytime darling" he smiled, "want me to give you a lift back to your place?" he offered, "Oh you don't have to I can just take a taxi" she responded, "Nonsense! I'll drive you home, seriously it's no trouble at all" Ross responded, smiling widely as he stood up and extended his hand out for her to take. Jules took his hand in hers and the two made their way to his car, and then to her place, where she'd unpack and pack again.

Meanwhile for matty...

The sound of frantic knocking awoke matty from his restless slumber, he quickly stomped his way to the door and opened it, revealing a very pissed off charli and a disapointed george.

"Matthew healy you fucking idiot" charli seethed, matty was stunned, he had never seen her so angry before. Matty stepped aside, letting them both further into the room, so they could continue their conversation privately.

"You're a fucking idiot and it's taking everything in me right now not to slap you, you're lucky george is here to hold me back" charli said, anger evident in her tone, george held her hand, trying to calm her down. "Seriously mate what the hell were you thinking? " george finally spoke up, shaking his head in disappointment. "I-i don't know ok?! I love jules I do but lately I've started to develop feelings for jade, so I thought it would be best to break up with Jules" matty mumbled, before he knew it he felt a hand harshly connect with his cheek, Charli had slapped him.

Truthfully once julie had told her about the break up, it took everything in her not to immediately go up to him and kick his ass, but george told her to calm down a bit then the two would go talk to matty, but when he said he had feelings for jade, Charli let her anger get the best of her and slapped him for hurting her bestfriend.

"You promised her you wouldn't pull that shit with jade again, god I can't believe you, and because of you she left to go back to london, shes working for a different band now, because of you matty you fucked up badly, I hope your new toy was fucking worth it " she snapped, then pushed past him and walked out of the room, the door slamming loudly behind her.

George looked up at his best friend, who was rubbing his still red cheek, " are you here to yell at me as well? I know I fucked up ok? But isn't it better to break up with her then risk the potential of cheating?" matty said, george sighed, "fuck you're dumb healy, i've never out of all the girls you've been with since we were kids, seen you as happy as you were with jules, and you threw all that away for what? For a girl you have known for 3 weeks? Don't expect jules to come back to you when you inevitably realize how bad you fucked up" george said, before turning around and walking out of the room, leaving matty by himself.

A/N : we stan Ross, Charli, and george in this fanfic. Hope you enjoyed the chapter! Two new characters got introduced and charli slapped matty!

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