Chapter 27

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It was finally the start of the tour, the band had made their way up to Manchester for their big home town show.

Over the past couple weeks, the band and jules have gotten to know jade more, and the 6 all clicked with eachother, but the person she seemed to bond the most with was matty, the two spent alot of time talking, and that didn't go unnoticed by jules. She wasn't one for jealously, she knew matty had female friends and obviously didnt mind, she's not that type of girlfriend, but something about them felt off, she couldnt tell what it was but she didn't have a good feeling about the situation, but she decided to brush it off for the time being.

"Hey Jules" jade greeted as she walked up to the merch stand, "Hey jade, you ready for your first night of the tour?" she asked, jade nodded her head in response "Yeah! I'm really excited, it should be fun" the girl responded. "Yes! In the meantime though, here is a copy of the checklist, if you could do me a favor and go over all the boxes and just make sure we have everything in stock" jules said, as she handed the girl a clipboard and a pen. "Will do!" jade responded and made her way to where the boxes were.

After the show..

Jules quickly made her way backstage, as it was tradition for her to give matty a kiss as soon as he was done. She quickly opened the door to the green room and spotte her favorite curly haird boy, she ran up to him and engulfed him in a huge hug, she didn't care that he was all sweaty, she was just so proud of him.

"Hey baby, you enjoy the show tonight" he asked, hugging her back "Yeah you did amazing I'm so proud of you all" she gushed. Without her knowledge, jade walked into the room, causing matty to turn his head in her direction, just as jules was about to kiss him, He pulled away from her and quickly made his way over to the petite blonde, "Hey matty you did amazing!" she said, "aw thank you" matty responded, jules watched this interaction from a far, still in shock matty not only rejected her kiss, the one that was a tradition ever since they got together, but left her mid conversation to talk to jade.

Jules's heart had cracked a little when it happened, she couldn't believe he would do that. She felt like she was overreacting a bit, but she didn't care, the man she loved seemed more interested in talking to jade then to her, so she left.

Jules quickly walked out of the room, matty noticed but thought she was just leaving to use the restroom. Jules quickly made her way to the restroom before anyone could see the tears that were starting to form in her eyes. She quickly called the one person who could make her feel better.

"Hello jules you ok?" charli asked on the other line, "No-no som-something happened" jules stuttered, more tears flowing down her face as the heartbreak set in. "Babe what's wrong is this something to do with matty? Do you need to come over? " charli's now panicked voice asked, "Y-yes and yes, but I'm at the venue" jules responded, "First off breathe for me jules, try to calm down as much as you can, second can you make it up to the back of the venue, go find mark and have him take you to the park across the street, I'll pick you up there and we'll go back to my room sound good?" charli asked, "yeah, I'll see you soon" jules responded, quickly saying goodbye to her friend.

She looked at herself in the mirror and thought, "Am I overreacting to this?". After a minute to gather herself, she quickly made her way to the lobby and grabbed her purse, from there she found mark and he escorted her to the park across the way and waited with her until charli came to pick her up.

The whole time not one text or call was received from matty, truth be told at the moment she was getting in the car with charli, matty had asked jade if she wanted to go get some drinks at a bar, completely oblivious to the fact he had a girlfriend.

Maybe their love wasn't as strong as they both thought it was.

Once the two arrived at the hotel, and made their way up to charlis room, jules broke down in her friends arms. "Its ok babe I got you" charli whispered as she embraced her friend, and slowly rubbed her back, trying to calm her. After a few minutes, julies sobs turned into sniffles and she finally pulled away from her friend.

"You wanna talk about it jules?" charli asked, jules nodded her head in response, "So matty and I have this tradition, where everytime he gets off stage I go hug him and give him a kiss, well today when I was about to kiss him, jade walked into the room and he walked over to her and ignored me, hell he hasn't even texted me asking where I went" she said, a few stray tears still fell from her eyes as she recalled the events of the night.

"Jules I'm so sorry, he doesn't deserve you darling. I'm appalled at the way hes acting, what a dickhead next time I see him I will be fighting him just so you know" charli commented, jules chuckled softly at her last statement. "I know you'd win in a fight against him anyday" jules said, "Damn right i would" charli responded, which caused the two to break out laughing.

"Now what do you say we watch a movie, and I'll ask george to pick us up some ice cream, sound good?". Jules nodded her head in response "Sounds good", "Awesome I'll call text him right now" and with that charli sent a text off to her boyfriend, letting him know the situation and also asking him to bring some ice cream.

A/N : i'm sorry for that, next chp is not going to be any better for the couple i fear

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