Chapter 2

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It had been a day since Jaime told her the big news, she would be going on tour with the 1975.
When he told her that she would be touring with them she almost didn't believe him.

She remembers him chuckling and saying  " Jules you still breathing ?" he knew she had a love for the band, as jules had told him in her interview and she could also be spotted with the iconic box tattooed on her arm .

"Yeah jaime" she had chuckled back " Thank you truly this is an absolute dream" she smiled even wider. "Of course Jules, now tomorrow be here around 10. I want you to meet the boys and get acquainted with all of them, since you all will be together for basically the next year".

That led her to today. She woke up early in the morning, not like she got any sleep anyways. She was up all night tossing and turning, thinking about the fact she was going to meet the band who saved her life and not just that but would also be going on tour with them.

She made sure to pick out her
best outfit, she wanted to make a good impression after all, and deep down she was slightly more nervous about meeting matty.

She sighed as she looked in the mirror, silently plucking out everything wrong with her body. Jules is all for body confidence, but sometimes those evil thoughts pop into her head, telling her that her thighs are too big or the stretch marks that cover her thighs and butt are ugly, or her boobs aren't perky enough. When those thoughts pop into her head, she can't help but think those are the reasons she's never had any kind of relationship go further than just the talking phase.

She decides to push those thoughts aside and pick out her favorite dress, she quickly slips it on and makes her way out the door and to dirty hit head quarters.

She arrives about 5 minutes before 10 and quickly rushes to jaimes office, "Hey Jaime" she says as she opens the door, as soon as she looks up, she in fact doesn't see Jaime but instead sees the four infamous boys that make up the 1975.

She chuckles nervously "You're not Jaime" she says, causing the boys to break out in laughter. "No darling we're not, I'm afraid he had to run to a meeting but it's lovely to meet you, I'm Matty" He says, sending her a smile.

Jules can feel the heat rise to her cheeks when he looks her way. "H-hi I'm Julie , but you can call me Jules" she says and reaches out to shake his hand, her box tattoo slightly peaking out from under the sleeve of her cardigan. "Well Jules it's lovely to meet you, judging by the tattoo on your arm I see you're a fan" Matty replies again, almost teasing.

She laughs nervously " yeah, i'm honestly not convinced this isn't a dream" she responds. " We promise it's not, and we're very much real " Ross says, laughing softly and stepping forward to shake her hand, "lovely to meet you jules" he continues. " It's nice to meet you all too, I'm looking forward to working with you " she smiles. Eventually as the day passed, the band got to know her more and gave her their numbers so they could be in contact, before tour started.

"Well it was lovely meeting you all, I have to head out to another meeting to discuss product designs and the logistics of the merch booths and teams! but i'll probably see you guys around before we leave next month!" Jules responds as she bids the boys a quick goodbye and heads out the door.

Just as the elevator doors were about to close, she suddenly
hears a voice shout, "wait up" she quickly sticks her arm out causing the doors to open back up again. The owner of the voice is none other than Matthew Healy, "Hey jules" he smiles and presses the button for the lobby. " Hey matty" she responds, trying not to fumble over her words. "I forgot to ask you what your favorite song of ours was" he asks, sending her a cheeky grin.

It's no lie Matty found her quite beautiful, she had beautiful blonde hair and brown eyes, freckles that littered her face perfectly, and her pillowy thighs that he wanted to rest his head on. He had flirted with her slightly though out the morning, finding it cute how her cheeks would flash pink eveytime he would look in her direction

"Well that's a tough question, probably It's not living if it's not with you or If you're too shy" she responded, sending a bright smile back his way. "Ah great choice love" he responded, him calling her 'love' caused her cheeks to flash a bright pink color. "Now Jules not to quote my own lyrics but if you're too shy let me know" he grins, this causes the girl to giggle. He could tell from her demeanor that she was more relaxed now. " you don't have to be nervous around me jules i'm just a normal person" he smirks, moving closer to her. " yeah normal except for the fact that you have multiple number one records, a sold out tour and multiple girls who would get on their knees for you" she chuckled, gaining more confidence.

"You're not wrong love, thank you for fueling my ego on the first two, but now see there's only one girl i want to see on her knees" he looks over at her suggestively and winks. " hey never say never right matthew" jules responds, smirking.

And with that the elevator doors reopened, now in the lobby. "Till next time matty, you have my number" she winks and heads off to her meeting, leaving matty with a wide grin on his face and a very erotic image of her in his head.

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