Chapter 16:The End?? Part 6

Start from the beginning

"Now I'll set my clock token in the link arrow link summon link spider" (Atk/1000, Link 1)

"Now with link spider effect say hello to Bitron but now I set link spider and Bitron in the link arrows link summon Splash Mage" (Atk/1100, Link 2)

"Now with his effect say hello once more to my link spider now I set splash mage and link spider in the link arrows now come warrior of data come and destroy all Decode talker" (Atk/2300, Link 3)

"I set three cards and end my turn"

Turn 2

"Right my turn"Gold hesitated for a moment but snapped himself out of it his parents are gone he has to focus on the duel though or he will get Mai and Riley killed too

"Draw I activate the effect of Magicians' Souls in my hand I'll send to the grave my dark magician to then send Magicians' Souls to the grave and revive my dark magician"(Atk/2500, Def/2100, LV:7)

"Now I activate Soul Servant so I can put one card in my deck to the top of it but now I activate soul servant addition effect I can banish and draw a card now I reveal the card I drew my Palladium Oracle Mahad who when drawn I can reveal to special summon him"(Atk/2500, Def/2100, LV:7)

"Now I set two cards and end my turn"

Turn 3

"Not bad you two you summoned some strong monsters I guess I should do the same Draw"

"Alright I summon my Harpie Channeler"(Atk/1400, Def/1300, LV:4) "now with her effect I'll discard my Harpie Harpist to special summon my Harpie's Pet Dragon"(Atk/2000, Def/2500, LV:7)

"And my Dragon gets 300 Attack and Defense points for all the harpie ladies on the field"(Atk/2000+300=2300)

"Now since I have my dragon my harpie channeler becomes level 7 and now I activate my Alluring Mirror Split spell card now I end my turn but also at the end my harpie harpist activates allowing me to add my Harpie Perfumer"

Turn 4

"Well now compared to the last three I have to say 7/10 for first turns but now It's my turn Draw"

"Now I activate the field spell En natural and with it I activate my En-Flowers from my deck and now I summon En crab"(Atk/500, Def/0, LV:2)

"But where there's one there's many cause with its effect I can summon two more En crabs from my deck now Riley do you think your the only one with Link monsters"

Riley wonders for a moment what she means until she realizes as then Ray Giggles "I set my three crabs in the Link arrows now link summon En Kraken"(Atk/0, Link 3)

"It has zero attack points that means it must have a powerful effect"Mai says to see Ray is just smiling

"How correct you are Mai you see my Kraken gains 500 attack points equal to the combine levels of the monsters used to summon it so my Kraken gains 3000 attack points"(Atk/0+3000=3000)

"Now my I activate the spell En gift with this by sacrificing 500 of my life points I can summon one level 4 or lower monster such as my En Knight"(Atk/1800, Def/1000, LV:3)

Ray LP:4000-500=3500

"Now with En knight when I xyz summon he counts as two monsters instead of one now I build the overlay network with my En knight now natural bird let yourself be engulfed in your fellow birds and rise I xyz summon rank 3 En Falcon"(Atk/2100, Def/0, Rank 3)

"Are you ready cause now I use En Falcon effect by using one overlay unit it can attack all your monsters once but you only take half the damage now En kraken attack Harpies pet dragon"En kraken then uses its tentacles to grab Mai dragon and destroy it

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