Chapter 13:The End?? Part 3

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Hao was now at the area where he saw the light and most importantly where Fyuya and the others are supposed to be at but when Hao looked around no one was there the only thing he could see was rubble from destroyed buildings

On the other side of maiami city

A family could be seen running from multiple obelisk force members the family then runs into a corner as the family turns back the parents shield their children

"Stay away from us"The mother had said as the three obelisk force members were about to attack the family they all hear "go red eyes inferno fire blast" a dark fire ball could be seen hitting the chaos ancient gear giant that the obelisk force members have

"Destroy every last one of them blue eyes white lightning"then a white blast could be seen destroying all the ancient gear soldiers

A guy with blond hair and a blue jacket walks up to the family and says "don't worry you guys are safe now thanks to me Joey wheeler" Joey says while striking a heroic pose

"Wheeler now is not the time to get cocky" Kaiba says walking up to Joey

"If anyone is cocky here is you Kaiba after all cocky is your main trait"as Joey starts arguing with Kaiba a ancient gear wyvern could be seen heading towards them only for a woman with pink hair and wings on her arms to strike it down

The two boys turn to where the wyvern is to then see a girl with blond hair and a purple jacket "jeez you boys always have to bicker don't you"

Back with Hao

"Hao there you are!!"Hao turns to the voice calling to him to see his little brother gold running towards him

"GOLD shouldn't you be with mom and dad"Hao say's worried if his parents can handle the endless assaults

"Don't worry mom and dad are getting civilians to safety as we speak since they were pro duelist they should be fine"

Sigh "I guess your right grrr why did this have to happen now"

"Hao does this have something to do with how you would disappear for a month for 4 years 6 years ago"

"I'll explain everything when this is over"Just then 3 obelisk force members walk towards them ready to try and card them

"I'll take..."Gold tries to say something and go face the obelisk force members only for Hao to stop him and go up and activate his duel disk

"Alright you sad excuse of duelist let's get this over with"

"Let's see whose the sad excuse when we beat you"the obelisk member with the green gem said

"Like I will ever lose to people who use the exact same strategy on every opponent"


Hao yuki (LP:4000) VS obelisk green (LP:4000) obelisk red (LP:4000) obelisk yellow (LP:4000)

Turn 1

"Let's take care of this chump I summon ancient gear hunting hound" (Atk/1000, Def/1000, LV:3)

"Now since he was normal summon You take 600 points of damage"obelisk green said with hunting hound then sending a blast at Hao cause a tear of his cloths on his right hip

Hao yuki LP:4000-600=3400

"The damage is real?!"

"I would have thought you already faced some of these guys Gold"

"Kaiba and Joey have been taking care of these guys I was just looking for you"Gold said shaking his head from not dueling the obelisk force members

"Then watch closely this is how dueling is going to be for awhile"

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