Chapter 13:The End?? Part 3

Start from the beginning

"I end my turn"

Turn 2

"My turn draw I also summon ancient gear hunting hound" (Atk/1000, Def/1000, LV:3)

"And I think I will do the exact same thing"obelisk red says with another blast hitting Hao

Hao yuki LP:3400-600=2800

"I end my turn"

Turn 3

"I also summon ancient gear hunting hound like my colleagues here" (Atk/1000, Def/1000, LV:3)

"And you know what that means"obelisk yellow says with another blast hitting Hao sending back a bit

Hao yuki LP:2800-600=2200

"Hao are you ok!!"

"I'm fine gold this is nothing compared to dueling 'him' these guys are nothing"

"Tch your turn let's see if your all bark and no bite"

Turn 4

"Oh the only people who are all bark and no bite are you three and your hunting hounds"

"I draw I activate the field spell Supreme King's Castle now with this fusion monsters that need to be fused with dark fusion can be fused with anything"a castle appears behind Hao as a menacing aura surrounds him

"Now I summon evil hero cyber annihilater" (Atk/1800, Def/200, LV:3) a mechanical warrior appears on the field as it does the hunting hounds start to walk backwards sensing danger as the obelisk force members wonder what's up with their hounds

"Now I'm not giving people like you the chance to have another turn cause I activate the spell card super polymerization"

"SUPER POLYMERIZATION!!!!!"the obelisk force members were shocked but Gold was wondering why they seems terrified now

"With this by discarding one card I can fusion summon a monster using monsters from either of our fields and I think I will use ALL OF THEM"as Hao says this all of the monsters on the field get swept up into a vortex that appeared in the middle as Hao starts to chant

"Mechanical dark hero fuse with the three mechanical dogs come together to create a chaotic element fusion summon EVIL HERO ELEMENTAL CHAOS" (Atk/???, Def/???, LV:7)

"Hahaha we got worried for nothing his monster has no attack points"obelisk red said only to be very much wrong

"This is the end cause elemental chaos gains 1000 attack points for everyone of its materials and guess what for everyone of its materials he can attack THAT MANY TIMES MEANING HE CAN ATTACK 4  TIMES THIS TURN" (Atk/4000, Def/4000)

The three obelisk force members started shaking and begging for mercy "tell me if you want mercy then why did you card so many innocent people at the xyz dimension"

Then all the obelisk force members finally relies who they were facing "y-y-y-your the d-d-dark h-hero"

"Took you long enough now then PERISH LIKE ALL THOSE BEFORE YOU WHO HAVE FACED ME ATTACK THEM ELEMENTAL CHAOS CHAOS ELEMENT SURGE"as Hao says all this his monster then charges an dark elemental ball and fires it at the three obelisk force members wiping the rest of their life points

Obelisk force members LP:4000-4000=0 x3

Winner:Hao yuki

As the obelisk force members lie on the ground Hao walks up to them as a shadow creature with wings absorbs all three of the obelisk force members bodies

"Hao what...what was that"

"As I said gold I will explain everything when this is over"then Hao looks at the sky "if it ever ends"

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