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Yeah, I'm gonna get straight to it. I promise it'll all be important!

So, where did I go after JUST starting my series here? Well, all my devices have been confiscated for the last three months. Though, I was allowed to have my laptop back for the past few weekends, and I've been working on more chapters to post. This will also be posted around the same time I post the update on my channel (go check it out btw: https://youtube.com/@pink_destiny8332

I will DEFINITLEY be continuing this story, and don't plan to stop writing anytime soon! I will also post a chapter or two after this so stay tuned! I have not decided how often I will post yet, but I will figure out the consistency later. I want to explain a bit more about the direction this series is headed. Chapters will be in parts or in full, depending on how I want to split them. There will be Asks, and you can always put your questions for characters, and myself, in the comments! Asks may continue into other chapters, and will be considered chapters or parts of chapters. I am also including events and scenes from before and after the reboot in my lore. I will not include unfinished comic strips or stories from the series, but there's a chance I might take inspiration from them. Though this is technically an AU, I am not fully changing all of the original events from the comics or the characters and their personalities. I am instead adding on to it, filling it in with my own theories, headcanons and ofc, interpretations! :)

I've stated on my channel that I will mostly post content towards this series, but for now it'll just be skits and random posts about AGA. As of now, I have been given my phone back, and I will post other chapters after this, so bear with me!

This is heavily inspired by some original FNAF lore, other creators in the Ask Goldie Anything community, and Fazbear Fright's lore! I hope you continue reading, and remember to comment and vote!

This was short, but it's okay lol.

- Desi

Ask Goldie Anything - A Continued Interpretation (AU)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang