Chapter 7 Pt. 2

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Goldie blended into the shadows of the hallway like still trees wefted in a midnight panorama, his eyes shimmering with mystery. He inched dangerously closer to the light of the approaching room, barely out of sight from luminous rays that brushed tips of equally light-colored fur.

"Now, the first phase of my plan is to make sure everyone knows that I'm still me," Goldie enlightened his self-proclaimed fans. "Y'know, to remind them exactly who I am, and what great power I hold!" A machiavellian grin emerged on the bear's face, darkness looming over his surreal gaze.


"Without causing too much trouble of course!" The animatronic reassured the onlookers. Despite a shift in demeanour over the past few nights, the bear's prideful attitude was persistent. A wide smile curled at the corners of his mouth and showed off Goldie's sharp tooth as he eyed Toy Bonnie and Toy Chica, who were currently squabbling in their stage room. They sounded like they were discussing how to make everything go right for the big upcoming party. Toy Freddy on the other hand seemed far away, standing nervously beside decorative balloons hoisted against a nearby chair. Mangle was nowhere to be seen. 

"Look, TC, just go with what I think, okay?" TB dragged on pleadingly. His face smeared with obvious exasperation as he shook his head. "My idea sounds way cooler!" The chic only continued to frown at the Toy bunny with sky blue eyes, as Goldie stepped into the middle of the entrance, though his presence went unnoticed.

"But TB!!" TC retorted in a puerile voice, "Just because you think your idea is cool, doesn't mean we can't try mine!" TB was ready to open his mouth again before Toy Freddy piped up.
"U-Um, can't both of your ideas work? We should really make a decision before morning and—" Both of the other Toys shared their disagreement about the Toy bear's idea and argued over each other, much to his skittishness. "Toy Bonnie, Toy Chica, c-come on!" TF urged, reaching out his paws in a panic. His pleading unheard, TF leered at them in defeat, backing away impatiently. He only felt smaller as he was overlooked by the two animatronics. Toy Freddy wished he could speak up and—

"Gosh! What's all this about?" Goldie intervened, thankful that his voice was loud enough to grab their attention. The banter was cut off and all three of the Toys gawked at the sudden appearance of Goldie. The bear stood over the Toys, and he put both hands on his hips in a pompous manner.

"Goldie? I haven't seen you in a bit." TB began smugly. "This place has been pret-ty lame with you stirring up any drama." The Toy bunny eyed Goldie, a hint of a sneer at the end of his sentence.
"You missed me that much?" Goldie said in mock consolation. "I'm honoured, TB, seriously! But don't worry. I won't be leaving anytime soon." He proclaimed with a paw over his chest.
Toy Chica squealed with delight and rushed towards the golden bear. The animatronic bounced with excitement at seeing Goldie again.
"Hi, Goldie! What brings you here?" She sprung up and down as Goldie beamed at her.
"Hiya, TC! I'm just checking in on you all. You know, I could help with that party if you want..." Goldie remarked. TC blushed in response as TB gave a hard eye roll. 

The golden bear's smile faltered as he glanced towards TF for merely a few seconds. Toy Freddy squirmed in place. I knew Golden Freddy was back, he thought. I haven't seen him since Finn arrived. He wasn't completely on board with the idea of talking to the frightening bear. 

An audible shuffle was heard from Mangle as she came into the room, surprise written across her face. TF noticed her first, and somehow he felt a hint of relief. 
"Goldie!" The bear perked at the sound of his name, and turned to shine the same fixed smile at the Toy fox.
"Mangle! Hey, how are you?" Goldie beckoned for them to come closer.
"Okay, thanks. I heard you've been going around again," they stated curiously, standing a few steps away.
"We know," TB filled in before Goldie could respond. Mangle half ignored him.
"Are you doing alright?" She asked with worried, half-lidded eyes. The other Toys knew what they meant. TC had told of how the bear had seemed a bit off the last time she saw him. They all peered at Goldie with their own peculiarity. 

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