"I also got to eat on the couch, using a paper towel as a plate." Liam adds. The situation was completely new to him. If he ever ate on the couch at home, or used something other than a plate, his mother would throw a fit.

Paige smiles. "Yeah. So, you're getting new experiences. I think it'll be good for your mental health."

Paige is always talking about Liam's mental health. She thinks he has anxiety. Maybe he does. He doesn't know. She tries to help him by giving advice often. It does usually help when he tries it out but the aching feeling has never fully left.

Liam thinks about the way he relaxed on the couch of Ember's living room. The way he focused on the movie and let himself calm down. The way he walked out without a knot in his throat and tensed up shoulders.

"Yeah, maybe it will be." Liam says quietly.

Paige smiles. They drive the rest of the way to her house quietly. Liam likes it that way. It's just easy with Paige. There's no need to fill the silence with talking and there's nothing awkward about it.

He pulls up in front of her apartment complex. He's been in there once, momentarily. It's really small. There's two bedrooms, a bathroom, and then the living room and kitchen are one. With the furniture, everything seems crowded. It's cozy though. Liam liked it more than he likes his own home.

"Thanks again for the ride." Paige smiles and Liam returns it.

"Of course. See you later."

"See you." She shuts the door and walks up to the entrance of the building. Liam waits until she waves and steps into the door before driving off. He starts the drive home and the closer he gets the sicker he feels.

He pulls into the driveway and parks at the end of it. He should park in the garage but doesn't. His father tells him he should park in the garage often but that doesn't make him want to. Walking all the way across the yard to the garage in the early morning seems like too much work just to go to a school Liam doesn't want to go to.

He walks over and steps on the concrete path up to his house. The hedges are about knee high on either side of him. He follows them up to the short porch and opens up the door.

The foyer welcomes him just as it had said goodbye to him that morning. He hears a chair scooting away from the table to his left. He turns over and sees his mother walking over to him.

"Where the hell have you been?" She cursed, that means she's mad.

"Out. I was with friends." He speaks calmly. "Sorry I'm a bit late."

It was 7:02 when he pulled into the driveway so he knew he'd be getting this talk. Dinner is at seven. It's always at seven. If he's going to miss dinner he has to text or else he better be home in time.

He walks into the dining room and nods in greeting to his father before taking his seat. His mother walks in after, still looking upset. She takes her seat with a scowl set on her face.

"If you're going to stay out until ungodly hours of the night reply to my texts, William."

He hates the way she days William. It's a dead give away that she's pissed. He resists the urge to roll his eyes at her.

"It's seven, mother. I wasn't out all that late."

"Late enough to be late for dinner."

His father was calmly eating at the end of the table. He didn't usually get involved in conversations like this. He just sat back and let Liam's mother do all the punishing and scolding. She was good at that.

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