"Don't take it personally, it's not a big deal," Trish shrugged her shoulders.

"Where I come from, this is a big deal."

"You mean it's a big deal for women, not men, right? You wouldn't be accused of improper behavior if you had a fling or two with another she-wolf," Trish stood in front of Caelan, not breaking eye contact. She stood on her toes, wanting to kiss him, to regain their connection and be his for the night, at least. She wanted to be his, just not "forever" perhaps. Caelan froze, sensing the scent of mint, basil, and watermelon around him, wanting to drown in it. His mind imagined embracing her, her legs wrapped around his waist as he kissed her passionately, like a lost wanderer in the desert drinking water. He wanted to take her to his bed and know every inch of her body.

"I can't," he murmured. Trish exhaled, not realizing she was holding her breath in anticipation. She kissed his cheek instead and stepped back.

"Give me another chance, Caelan," she asked quietly.

"Are you a dream?"

"Maybe I am, maybe I'm not." The realization hit Caelan. That evening, Erik had warned him not to let these women mess with his head, and here he was in his dream, talking to Trish. He tried to wake up, to change anything in his scene. The raindrops should stop, he thought. And they did. He looked at the girl by the window. "You should turn to face me," he thought, and she did, with lifeless eyes. He looked back at Trish. "You should sit back in your chair," he commanded mentally. But Trish didn't move; she still watched him curiously.

"You're not a dream, Trish. I don't know how you did this, but you need to leave. I won't tell you twice."

"And just when I thought we were finding common ground," Trish chuckled. He sensed that it was still a game for her.

"Go away," he commanded, putting his Alpha command in his voice.

"Some things just don't work in dreams," Trish shrugged, moving towards Caelan. Caelan was confused, unsure of what to do or how to react. All he wanted was for this nightmare to end and for him to wake up.

"Trish, are you a dream?" Caelan asked, for the second time, struggling to comprehend how she could enter the dreams of other werewolves.

"Who is this girl, Caelan?" Trish asked in response.

"Don't ask me about her. Get out of my dream. You shouldn't be here!" he looked at her with wild eyes. He didn't shout, but his voice lost its softness and became harsh like stone.

"Who is she?" Trish persisted. "Or do you want me to find out on my own?" she smirked. Was she playing with him, Caelan wondered.

"You...are...not...my...dream!" he repeated to himself, closing his eyes. When he opened them, Trish could see a lot of pain in them. His irises turned purple, and his wolf was pushing its way out. Interesting, she thought to herself. Wolf-selves are usually deeply asleep and do not appear in dreams. She smiled and tried to touch his shoulder with her hand.

Caelan grabbed her hand in mid-air by the wrist, gripping it tightly. Trish winced in pain, wondering if she would have a bruise after waking up from this adventure. Their eyes met for a moment, and Trish thought that he might actually kill her, thinking that it was only a dream. Her empathy turned into fear and helplessness when she suddenly felt his lips on hers, kissing her passionately. He took her by the bottom, and she wrapped her legs around his waist, still taken aback. He kissed her as if she were his only source of oxygen, driven by anger and an uncontrollable desire. He wasn't gentle; he couldn't be in that state. It was purely animalistic. He kissed her and bit her full pink lips, caressed her face and hair, and wanted her all to himself. Trish moaned through the kiss as he pushed her against the wall painfully, but it only heightened her arousal. Caelan seemed to lose his mind, doing what he wanted to do for the past evening a thousand times. He kissed her deeply, when Trish pulled away with an inhuman force. Her eyes became glassy and her mouth open, as if unable to breathe.

Trish was no longer in the room. She stood watching a large fire burning. It wasn't just a building; it was her packhouse. People were flying around, unaware of her presence. She saw a figure emerge from the packhouse. Was it Alpha Erik? He smirked at her and then stopped in his tracks, looking pleased with himself. His face became blurry, and she saw Caelan's features instead.

Trish breathed in sharply. She was back in the room with Caelan. He held her in his arms, looking at her with concern. It was evident to him that Trish was in some sort of trance.

"The fire!" she blurted out.

"What?" Caelan asked.

"I saw the fire, and I saw Alpha Erik in it," Trish said, shivering as her body reacted to the vision.

Caelan found the girl to be really odd. He didn't appreciate the fact that she saw a fire and another man while he was kissing her. At the same time, he wondered if her vision meant something. Erik did plan to take over the Southern packs, but it was supposed to be a peaceful transition. Had Trish seen the true events that were going to happen? Did that mean the transition wouldn't be peaceful? Caelan couldn't make sense of it. Trish was clearly not herself, shaking like a leaf and looking helpless for the first time. He had been taught not to leave someone in trouble, but...

"You should go," he said, looking away from her. She stared at him in disbelief. "I've seen enough. There's darkness around you. I can't help you."

"Caelan, please..."

He stood up and moved away from her. Trish summoned all her strength to get up from the floor.

"It was a mistake, Trish. Stop toying with my head."

He felt his temples throbbing. Caelan didn't think he could get a headache while asleep, but it seemed he was wrong. He sensed Trish coming closer instead of leaving him alone. God, he just wanted her to leave him alone! The moment he thought about it, he saw a white figure, which had been standing near the window the entire time, lunge at Trish's body, slamming her against the wall with werewolf strength. Caught off guard, Trish couldn't defend herself and hit the wall, making contact with her head with full force. The girl in white, panting and angry, stood in front of her, ready to deliver the final blow. And then he woke up.

My magic is for you, AlphaNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ