T : Krish please don't be do stubborn Momma isn't feeling well

Kr : If you can't come with us then we should cancel it

And then he made a sad face and lowered it to the ground

Tripura shighed

T : Okay fine if you really wanna go I will go too

After hearing that krish instantly got excited

Kr : Then let's go

He hold her hand and pulled her towards the stairs

T : But krish let me get ready

Kr : You are looking beautiful in this dress so you don't need to we are getting late

As soon as they arrived at downstairs rajat looked at her but she quickly moved her glance from him

After wandering around the fair for some time,Krish saw a ice cream shop nearby so he asked his father to buy him one

R : You want ice cream ?

Kr : Yes the chocolate one

Tripura was just standing there absent-mindedly so rajat asked her

R : And for you ?

So tripura looked at him

T : Anything will be fine

Rajat came back with the ice creams and he forwarded the blueberry one to tripura

So tripura got a little surprised

R :As I remember you like this one isn't it

Kr : Wow Dad how do you know she like blueberry

Rajat looked at his son and carresed his hair a bit

R : Beacuse we were close to each other isn't it tipsy

And tripura glared at him but imidiately restrained herself as krish was looking at them

T : For your information blueberry isn't my favourite anymore so it's a waste

Kr : But momma ?

T : Krish let's not discuss about this now its quite late so I think we should leave now

And then she hold his hand and started walking forward

R : Gosh why is she so much arrogant? But I just need to be patient Rajat you can do it

Then he looked at the ice cream and took a big bite of it

After going some distance krish turned arround

Kr : Dad why are you standing there alone come with us

Arround 9pm rajat dropped them at there house and then left

After a long tiring day rishi was completely exhausted so he rushed to upstairs

When tripura was about to close the door Karan placed his hand there and blocked the way so she got startled then moved back

T : What are you doing here at this hour ?

K : Why are you avoiding my calls ? Where have you been all day haan ?

Tripura stayed silent so Karan came close to her and hold her shoulder

K : Why can't you give me a answer tell me

He shouted

T : Cause i don't think we should seeing eachother anymore

Karan hold his grip more tightly so she winced in pain

K : Are you serious ? What made you so afraid tripura we love eachother what's so wrong in that ? Why can't we fight for us Why tell me why

T : Because I am tired of everything please Karan let me live in peace I don't wanted to ruin your future so

K : You are not ruining anything you got just look at me look into my eyes can you see any repentance in it tell can you see it

Tripura's eyes got teary she moved her glance

K : I know you can't cause I am proud to have you in my life you are my  women I just wanna be with you and krish  nothing else matter to me bit for that I need you together we do it tripura trust me

T : Can we ??

Karan cupped her face

K : Ofcourse we will do it together

And then gently pecked onher forehead after that they embraced eachother

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