New job

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So I have now been in LA for about at six months now i decided to go through the police academy, I was still living with Buck who was more than ok with it. I didn't know him and Eddie were dating, I mean he never mentioned it but why else does Eddie just randomly show up to his apartment with his kid. Like Eddie would just come over just so Chris can do home work, either way I love the the kid and he loves the little tricks I do. His favorite one is where I put my light powers through I crystal I keep around and make I little rainbow light show. I am still dating Ravi he is a really nice guy he is also really sweet, and we decided to take it slow. Ravi really makes me happy it's been a while that I have felt happiness and I am glad it is him. Buck was not happy at first but he warmed up to him just recently. Maddie loved Ravi right from the start I mean what they're not to love, his nice, funny, smart, and good looking. I got even closer to the 118 which felt like a family which I can see why Buck loves these guys so much. They even made fun of me when I told them I was going to the police academy, but they all support me Ravi and Buck the most of course. 

Today I would graduate and work in the police force, everyone was there at my graduation. I got lucky that I got to work in the LA district so I wouldn't have to move far away, my training officer was John Nolan. When I walked into the briefing room the watch sergeant told everyone what knew about us. Basically just our ranking in the academy, I got the top spot in everything, and the other two were not bad they were 10th and 5th. The sergeant want us to introduce ourselves personally, which I told them I little about my life just not the magic part, I wanted to want until I got through the probationary year before I told them. At the academy they said that the training officer would be ruthless and cold hearted, officer Nolan was anything but, he was very informative but kind. Also apparently he is like a legend he took down a dirty cop, helped re catch Rosalind Dyer after she escaped, but she died in the end.

My first day on the job was going pretty smooth just a drunk and disorderly, Nolan taught me how to book and process a criminal. Then there was a a call over the radio asking for back up there was a shoot out. We arrived on scene and there were only two officer and like 10 shooter and that was only outside, apparently it was a drug deal gone wrong. The officers were tracking down a lead for a detective and they were spotted why were they not in plain clothes beats me. We get to cover where they were and start shooting while Nolan was asking for more back up, we were outnumber and then drug dealers were catching on. Me a Nolan are now shoulder to shoulder with the other officers when the criminals were closer in on both of our sides, We were still shooting trying to stall for time. Nolan radioed dispatch again about the back up but they were still 5 minutes out, we didn't have 5 minutes. As I see them running towards us out of instinct and reflex my hands go up and so does the earth around us and now we are inside a rock dome.

As I did this the officers looked really confused, I was afraid what they were going to do or say but I didn't care the bullets were not getting through. It was dark with only a little light coming in through the cracks, so everyone pulled out their flashlights. Nolan was about to ask me something when we stared to here metal hitting the wall like they were trying to take it down. The banging stopped a few seconds later when we heard sirens along with officer yelling get down. I took that as a sign and as easily as I put the wall up it went down just as so, we got checked out by medical and then I see the other officer talking to Nolan. I was left to deal with keep the perimeter safe, Nolan finished talk to the other officers and walked over to me. Some took my place and Nolan took me away from the group of people to talk to me.

"So what the hell was that I mean I don't mind it saved our ass but what the hell.?" Nolan asked looking really confused

I told him how I had powers and I didn't want to tell anyone about them yet but now it is to late, I can see people looking at me. A few hours past until Nolan said that we can leave then we went to go get lunch where I went and got food and decided to FaceTime Ravi. He answer right away.

"Look at my sexy police man. How's the first day on the job babe." Ravi said this and I put a big bite of the sandwich I had.

I told him what happened and the first thing he asked was I ok, when I told him I was he just started to go on a rant saying how I saved these officers lives, and then I see Buck come into screen and congratulated me. We were still chatting when Nolan and the two other officers walked up to where I was sitting, and they take a seat.

"Hey babe I got to go but I call you later." I said and tells me to be safe before I hang up.

"Who was that you boyfriend." The Male officer says with an attitude.

"Tim don't be rude." The female officer said.

"It was and is there a problem with that." I said and my eyes glowed red and he backs off just a little.

The female officer introduced her self as Lucy Chen and the male officer was Tim Bradford. Chen was really nice and kinda then tells me that her and Nolan had went through the academy together. When she told me this my eyes widen in shock.

"Yeah he was the oldest rookie being 45 years old." Lucy says with a laugh then I laughed with here then looked at Nolan and stopped

"Well boot I don't know what the hell that was you did but I am glad you did it. You saved our lives thanks." Bradford said and I say your welcome

Then I tell him and Chen about my powers and how I go them which I didn't tell Nolan, and after that we went back to post. When we get back to the shop I was a little upset tell them about my powers reminded me when I told my parents. Nolan noticed I was upset so I told him the whole parent situation, I for some reason feel comfortable with him. He listened and I felt better, this was the fist person that I truly opened up about this that wasn't family, I haven't even told Ravi how bad it was. All Ravi knew was that I was kicked out but he doesn't know hoe badly it effected me. The rest of the shift was smooth sailing, a domestic dispute and another drunk and disorderly. It was now end of shift, and I was about to head home but Nolan asked me if I wanted to go get a drink with him and some coworkers. I said that I would and then I followed him to the bar where Chen, Bradford, and three other women and two men were there. One of the women looked familiar and very pretty, but I couldn't put my finger on it I have seen her before.

I was introduced to the other people that were unknown, one of the women were Nyla Harper who was a detective and her husband James, the other woman was Angela Lopez which was as a detective who was Harpers partner. The last woman who look familiar was Bailey Nune and she is a firefighter and then I came to me I met here at the bar the night I reunited with Buck. She works B shift but she had that day off and knew that the A shift was out and decided to join them. We all drank and I had gotten congratulations form everyone and I had about 4 drinks and decided to call it a night, I was not drunk so I drove back to the apartment. I called Ravi when I got through the door and he didn't answer must be on a call, so I ate some leftovers that were in the fridge and plopped on the couch and watch Netflix. My phone went off and I was Ravi so I picked up and he was on a call, we were talk about how our days were for an hour when I decided to get ready for bed. I walked to the bathroom with Ravi still on the phone and I brushed my teeth then I put on deodorant. Then I walked back to the living room where I put the phone up on something and I start to change, which we do all the time. I took off my shirt and then just put on some gym shorts.

"Babe we can't do that now I am at work stop." He said this a little loudly to tease Buck.

"You better not be doing what I think you're doing." Buck says walking over to Ravi taking the phone from him

"One I wouldn't. At least not while he is at work and two what I we do over the phone is none over your business." I said this and Buck just cringes and gives the phone back to Ravi.

We talk for a few more hours until I decide to head to bed for the night. I wake up to my phone ringing and it was Ravi making sure I was up, even though I have an alarm he persist on doing a wake ups call. I get ready I go to work, day two on the job let's hope it's easier than day one.  

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