(Chapter one) Police Station

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I'm sitting on a curb with my hands cuffed behind my back all thanks to the one and only, Leah Watson.
It was her bright Idea to steal the alcohol and then proceed to convince me to drink it in public.

"Awe why do you look so grumpy, loser." She laughs.

"I don't know Leah, maybe because I'm going to be stuck in a police station all night while your sister will come and get you." I scoff.

"Come on you know she'll come and pick you up, she always does."

I roll my eyes kicking a rock with my foot.

"Actually, she won't be picking you up Anastaisa." The officer says leading us towards the cop car.

"This is the second time I've caught you girls and I'll be speaking with both of your parents."

I snort, "Good luck with that."

She pushes us towards the door, and we climb in.

The ride is eerie and silent.

The ride abruptly comes to a stop, the officer opens our door and motions us into the station.

"Leah, what's your mothers phone number." The officer asks.

"456-7354." She sighs.

The officer takes off her handcuffs.

"Take a seat, Leah."

"Anastasia?" The officer asks.

I sigh thinking of someone I could call. I'm basically homeless I haven't returned back to my aunt's house in 3 months.

"445-3233, I think." I say slowly.

Elijah Russo. I haven't spoken to him in 5 years. The last time I saw my brothers was when I was 7, the rest of my brothers begged Elijah to live with him. But I wasn't allowed. "It's too dangerous for a little princess like you."

The officer dots down the numbers and then finally takes of these stupid handcuffs.

"I'll be back in twenty minutes, don't bother trying to leave it's filled with security." She states before turning around.

I sigh letting my head fall to the desk. Smoke fills the air. I quickly sit up. This girl's got some nerve.

"Leah, they have cameras in here. Are you out of your f*cking mind?"

"Don't be so stuck up all the time, here take a drag. You've looked like you've aged ten years." She chuckles handing me the lit cigarette.

I quickly snatch it from her. I mean I could definitely use one, I take a long puff before handing it back to her.

She smirks before rubbing it against the table putting the light out.  

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