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Happy Victoria Day weekend to all my fellow Canadians!


I bit my lip as I listened to Officer Tanner. They had finally caught up with Mason with a helpful tip. Someone I went to college with recognized him a few towns over and called the police, stating that she had seen a man that she knew had a warrant for arrest. It took all of ten minutes for the police to show up and for him to be put into custody.

I felt a heavy weight lift off my chest as I heard those words.

"Don't get too excited. I know that Mason's lawyer is trying to find a way to get him out of jail time, but for the time being, you're in the clear. We have a lot to pin him with," Officer Tanner explained and I nodded.

"Thank you for calling me. I didn't want to take a trip down to the station unless I had to," I said quietly, mindful that Dimitri was asleep in the next room.

"You're welcome. At least now, you can have some fun on your New Year's Eve without looking over your shoulder," he said before he hung up. I smiled to myself and let my head rest on the back of the couch. Once I lifted my head I looked at Bailey curled up on the floor, her head resting on her paws but her eyes on me.

"You hear that, Bailey? He's in custody," I whispered softly. Bailey lifted her head and tilted it as if she knew what I was saying. I looked up as Ivan walked groggily into the living room, his hair in disarray on top of his head.

"Why are you up?" Ivan groaned as he stumbled to the coffee pot in the kitchen, which I had already brewed a pot of.

"Police woke me up," I said with a smirk. Ivan turned while pouring his coffee and cocked a brow at me. He wasn't paying much attention and the mug overflowed, sopping onto his hand with a hiss.

"Careful," I said dryly and he rolled his eyes at me.

"What did they call about?" he asked.

"Mason was arrested a few towns over last night," I said with a small smile. Ivan stopped cleaning up his mess and grinned at me.

"Really?" he asked with a shit-eating grin. I nodded and Ivan slapped the counter before coming towards me, scooping me up in a hug from the couch. I laughed in his ear and hugged him back as he jumped around a bit.

"You're serious? He's arrested?"

I nodded. "Tanner said not to get too excited because Mason's lawyer is already trying to get him out, but for now, I can breath," I said, trying to keep my excitement contained. I knew that there was a possibility, but right now, I was going to revel in this victory.

All of our excitement made Bailey jump up, barking to join in on our excitement. I shushed Bailey as Ivan set me on my feet, kissing my head enthusiastically.

"I'm happy for you, kid," he said softly, "You have no idea."

I nodded at him and walked to the coffee pot, pouring myself a cup of coffee without spilling it everywhere. I hear a quiet groan and pulled out another mug, pouring another cup of coffee for Dimitri. Ivan was all but giddy as he fixed his coffee, a big smile on his face. I smiled at Dimitri as he came out of his room, passing him to go back to the couch.

"Morning, comrade," I said cheerfully as I sat back on the couch.

"Morning, Roza," Dimitri mumbled through a yawn. I smiled to myself as I took a sip, jumping at the crash of a mug against the floor. I turned as Dimitri bent down.

"What happened?"

"Nothing," he said but I looked at Ivan.

"Did you drop it?" Ivan asked firmly. Dimitri stood up and set the broken pieces on the counter with a slight jerk of his head. Dimitri wasn't a clumsy man by all means, so for him to drop the mug was concerning.

The BodyguardDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora