So it's going to be one of these days, I see.

"Thank you, but I'm alright," you politely declined. "They aren't heavy or anything, and I'm in a bit of a hurry to get home."

"Aw, but I feel bad now that I've run into you. If you're just walking, you must live around the area, right? I can escort you there." He was still smiling, and he ran his fingers along your shoulder, trying to coax you into giving in. You almost laughed at the stupid little display. It was funny how shameless people could be. What kind of person would let a random stranger walk them home?

"I said it's fine," you smiled, pink hues filling your irises. "Be a good boy and leave me alone now, okay?"

"Ah-" He stiffened all at once, fingers slipping off your shoulder. His vision had gone glassy, eyes glazed over, and his cheeks were distinctly flushed. "Oh... my bad," he slurred. "I didn't m-mean to-"

His knees buckled underneath him, and he passed out right onto the floor. You looked down at him with your lips pursed.

"It was a lot stronger than I was going for. Well, he must've been attracted to me a fair deal if he was trying so hard." You stooped down to a crouch and whispered into his ear. "When you come to, head home and get a good rest in bed. Don't try to harass any other girls on your way."

You adjusted the bags in your grip and continued walking on, ignoring the cluster of people that were now swarming around the unconscious boy. Freja greeted you in the lobby once you were home, helping take the bags off your hands.

She smiled. "It seems like you bought quite a lot, [Name]. Wasn't this just supposed to be for school supplies?"

"Yeah," you chuckled awkwardly. "I saw a bunch of cute clothes and just got carried away..."

"I'm sure they'll all look lovely on you. Mikael is waiting in your room. I believe he wanted to have a quick chat with you since you're starting at U.A tomorrow."

"Okay. Thanks, Freja."

"My pleasure."

As promised, Mikael was waiting in your room, eating chocolate on your bed, of all things. You puffed out your cheeks and let out a squeal of protest.

"Hey!" you cried out. "No eating chocolate or messy desserts on the bed! I just replaced those sheets!"

He blinked innocently, even though he had melted chocolate all over his lips and fingers. You sighed and grabbed a handful of napkins before taking a seat beside him.

"Hello, [Name]," he smiled. "How was your shopping trip?"

You dabbed at the corners of his lips with the napkins. "It was fine. Some guy was hitting on me while I was heading back, and I used my Quirk on him. He passed out even though I wasn't trying to get him to."

"Did he come into contact with you?"

"Yeah. Well, he touched me, but I didn't touch him back. I just used my voice."

"I see." He waited for you to finish wiping him off before twirling a lock of your hair through his fingers. "Different people are bound to experience different levels of attraction and thus react differently to your powers. It's always going to be challenging to figure out just how effective your Quirk is against certain people." He extended the half-eaten chocolate bar towards you. "Want a bite?"

"No thank you. Actually, please put that away. You're making a mess."

Seemingly defying human limits, he managed to fit the rest of the chocolate bar into his mouth. "I'll be putfing togesher a nishe dinnar tonifte. To shelebrate yhu starting skhool."

Goddess Wink | Various!BNHA x ReaderМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя