The sun drop lands on the dirt of the earth, a beautiful flower sprouting from it. The flower was as gold as the sun itself, its petals silky with a purple hue in the center. The center glows a bright shade of orange and gold.

It was said to have the ability to heal the sick and injured.

An old man carrying a lantern staggers through the thick brush of the woods, the lantern giving off an eerie green glow. His wrinkles were heavy, the bags under his eyes dark and his hair thinned and wispy and a blinding white under his hooded cape. His icy blue eyes spot the flower, his mouth parting in awe as he gasps.

See that old guy creeping in the bushes? Unfortunately, he's pretty important, so keep him in your thoughts as we continue.

The old man sets his lantern down, and reaches for the flower desperately.



Well, then! Centuries passed, and a mighty kingdom came to be, which was ruled by a beloved king and queen!

A portrait of King Frederic and his wife, Queen Arianna was proudly presented on the wall of the castle.


And the queen was about to have a baby, but...

Queen Arianna lays in her bed propped up by pillows, pregnant belly prominent under the covers as she holds her husband's hand, her skin a sickly complexion and her body weak.

She got sick. Really sick.

King Frederic clasps her hand tightly in both of his, eyes red and wide and filled with tears as the guards and nurses around him watch helplessly.


Hundreds of boats sail on the harbors of Corona, some lantern lights on the bridge as people left the kingdom in search of a cure.

She was running out of time, and the people began to look for a miracle to help save their queen.

People dock on the edge of the woods, several guards leading them on expeditions.

Or, in other words, the magic golden flower.


The old man looks around with narrowed eyes, limping over towards where the magical golden flower was. He removes the cover he had placed over it, quickly glancing around for a moment before setting it down.

Ah! See? Told you he was important. You see, instead of sharing the sun's gift, this man, Father Gothel, hoarded its healing power and used it to keep himself young for hundreds of years. And all he had to do to activate its powers... was sing a special song.

Gothel removes his hood as he sets down the lantern, clearing his throat before singing softly in a raspy, weak voice.

"Flower, gleam and glow..."

The flower seems to come to life, glowing a brilliant gold as the petals expand outward.

"Let your power shine," Gothel continues, hovering his hands around the flower. "Make the clock reverse..."

His skin begins to smooth over, his voice changing and becoming deeper, and much younger sounding.

"Bring back what once was mine... what once... was mine..."

As he sings the final note, his hair changes to a dark black color, facial hair growing on his chin and his wrinkles completely smoothed over. Gone was the thin, frail old man, instead replaced by the young and healthy man.

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