Chapter 11

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My eyes open and I wake to the lovely view that is the side of Darren's neck. I lightly kiss his skin, causing his arms to tighten around me.

"Morning." He smiles before turning his head to kiss my forehead.

"Hi." I do my best to scoot even closer to him. "What time is it?"

"Must be early. I set an alarm for four-thirty but it hasn't gone off yet."

"Why so early?" I groan.

"Because we decided last night that we were gonna get up and watch the sunrise on the beach."

"And we thought that was gonna be fun?"

"Getting up early always sounds manageable when you're already wide awake."

The alarm blares and I roll over with a groan, burying my face in my pillow.

"I'm turning it off." He hits a few buttons before the alarm is finally silenced. "You're safe to go back to sleep."

"There's no point, I'm already up. We might as well just get dressed and go."

"You sure?"

I nod and then remember it's pitch black in the room. "Yeah."

"Okay." He gets up first, yanking the blanket off of me in the process.

"You suck."

"You said you wanted to get up now." He laughs.

"But I still want to be warm," I whine. He flicks on the light and I instantly throw my hands over my eyes. "Dude, why?"

"Come here." He grabs my wrists and pulls me so I'm sitting up. He sits down behind me and I lean back against his chest. "We have ten minutes until we should be heading out."

"So what are you doing?"

"Gonna use two of those minutes to warm you up." He slides his right hand into my shorts and then into my panties. One of his fingers slips inside me and I moan his name. "Want me to add a second one?"

"Use three."

"Going straight from one to three." He kisses my neck as he slips two more fingers inside me, instantly causing me to moan again. "Someone's feeling ambitious."

I close my eyes and he wraps his free hand around my neck, applying just enough pressure to make this moment even better.

"Open your eyes."


"Because they didn't put a mirror on the wall across from the bed so couples would keep their eyes closed during moments like these."

He's got a point.

I open my eyes and look into the mirror as Darren lifts my shirt up to reveal my chest.

"So beautiful," he whispers before kissing my cheek.

This view may not be the one we'll be seeing soon, but it was definitely worth waking up early for.

He kisses my neck as I finish and I lean against his chest. "How was that?" he asks as he wraps his arms around me.

"Fantastic." I smile. "But are you gonna be mad if I want to go watch the sunrise on the beach and make this up to you later?"

"Not at all."

"Good." I let out a yawn and get up from the bed, pausing to watch Darren stretch like he does every morning. His eyes meet mine just before I look down his arms and over to his abs.

"Like the view?" He smirks.

"I guess you could say I'm a fan." I do my best to look away and start getting dressed but his muscles are distracting. He's all I want to look at while I pull a pair of black leggings and a red long sleeve shirt from my bag.

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