Scene 22

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The next day was spent entirely at the pool.

His eyes were fixed to my body as I pulled my dress over my head, neatly folded it and placed it on the table beside the sunlounger. His gaze was preoccupied with my body and his lips were slightly parted in a smile.

"I like that bikini," he said quietly.

I rolled my eyes smilingly.

"I swear I've never met a girl who's so fine."

I stood in front of where he was sitting on the edge of our double sized sunlounger, holding his chin in my hand and tilting his head up towards me to finally divert his gaze to my eyes. His lips stretched into a beautifully mischievous smile.

"My eyes are up here." I teased.

Smirking, he looped his arms around the back of my legs and pulled me further towards him, my hands falling to his shoulders to steady myself. He was wearing one of his caps backwards on his head, which, along with his bare chested body, caused my stomach to flutter intensely with the attractiveness that he exuded.

His hands were still resting around the back of my legs in order to keep me in my position close to him, and I enjoyed the momentary confidence I felt from standing above him.

Then, blinking myself back into the present moment, I noticed that his head was slightly dipped down and when he smiled, the expression was accompanied by a chuckle to himself.

"What?" I narrowed my eyes at him.

He shook his head, still chuckling. "Nothing."

I suspected that his gaze was doing another wander of my bikini clad body, but due to the tints in his sunglasses that shaded his eyes, I couldn't see for definite if his gaze was looking at my face or at my body.

"Take them off," I said quietly

His eyebrows raised abruptly.

"What?" His tongue licked across his lip seductively. "My shorts?"

"No!" I exclaimed, swatting him in the chest, momentarily embarrassed that I hadn't realised the double meaning of my request. "Your sunglasses."

His lips stretched into a wide grin.

"I know that you like my blue eyes," he chuckled.

As he slowly removed his sunglasses, his alluring eyes were waiting for me underneath, their focus already locked on me.

"That's better," I said. "Now I can see where your eyes are looking."

"At you baby, always at you," he smirked.

"But now I can see which part of me your eyes are looking at."

He laughed wholeheartedly.

Then, letting go of his gentle grasp of my legs, he scooted back on the sunlounger until his body was in a lying down position and he patted the cushion beside him.

"Come here."

I smiled eagerly and jumped onto the sunlounger beside him. Nestling my body into the safety of his, he secured his arm firmly around my shoulders and hugged me even closer to him.

The feeling of my skin being in contact with his bare torso was beautifully overwhelming. It was almost too powerful, a force which churned my stomach with furious butterflies and tingled my heart with a bubbling happiness.

We lay together like that for quite some time, relaxed into each other's company and content in the quiet air between us without the need for any words to be spoken.

The stretching view had captured both of our attention, the alluringness of the infinite ocean and the brilliance of the hue of the water were mesmerising, as was the grandeur of the great coastline.

In our immediate surroundings however we were floating in luxuriousness. The hotel and pool were beautiful beyond description, and I still couldn't quite believe that I was actually staying there with him. When I looked over at him, his sea blue eyes were smiling.

"Who am I to complain?" He smiled, shaking his head. "It's hard to when you live this blessed."

I beamed, attempting to take in the beauty of the moment and store it in a compartment of my mind so that I could revisit and relive it forever.

Then I propped myself up on my elbows.

"I'm going for a swim." I announced, leaning down to touch my lips to his. Swiftly, just as I was sitting up, his hand shot up to grasp my chin and he pulled me back down to him so that he could kiss me again.

Then a satisfied expression took control of his features and he smiled contently. He bent both of his arms behind him and rested his head on them like a pillow.

Stretching, I rose to my feet and adjusted my bikini before walking to the edge of the pool. When I glanced back at him, I saw that his phone was angled towards me, and I could only suspect that he was taking discreet photos of me. I smiled to myself.

Then, after breathing in the stunning scenery of the surroundings for a few seconds, I pointed my arms above my head and dived into the water.

The sound of the surroundings muffled as the water momentarily encased me and it was replaced with the gentle noise of the water. I emerged just before the opposite side of the pool and slicked back my hair as I rested my arms on the edge and admired the view.

When I turned around to look at him, leaning my back against the wall and spreading my arms along the edge of the pool, I saw that he was still lying on the sunlounger but now he was propped up with his left arm as he focused on his phone. My lips tugged into a smile to myself at how handsome he looked like that.

Then he noticed me looking at him so he sat up and gestured for me to swim the edge of the pool which was closest to our sunlounger.

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