Scene 10

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The next day, I stayed at his apartment whilst he had some errands to run. Mainly, he had an interview on the radio.

I was quite comfortable in his apartment by then due to the large amount of time I had spent there; it just felt homely and comforting.

Splaying out on his sofa, I switched on the tv to the internet and searched for the live video of his interview so I could watch him. Eventually I saw his face appear on the screen.

He was wearing a plain black outfit, a black hoodie hanging off his shoulders and a black cap and radio headphones on his head. It was simple yet he managed to pull it off so well and somehow make it stylishly desirable.

He was sitting casually in an office chair, a microphone placed on the table in front of him, and across from him was the radio presenter, a young lady with dark coffee skin and neatly braided hair.

"Good morning and welcome to the breakfast show," she began. "Today I have with me the internationally famous rapper, and one of my favourite artists."

A trickling of applause could be heard from her and the small crew.

"Morning everyone." He smiled, his strong accent kind and cheerful.

"Thank you so much for coming on the show today," she continued.

"Thanks for having me."

"So what have you been up to recently?"

Her face was illuminated with her bright smile, her delicate features accentuated with light makeup and pretty jewellery.

"Just working on a few things, taking my time to achieve what I need," he shrugged simply. "I've been working hard all year."

"That's what we like to hear."

I found it somewhat weird watching him on a screen, someone that I knew so well on the screen in front of me, and again it gently reminded me of his fame and recognised status.

"So," she said. "Let's talk about your love life."

"What about it?" He smiled, leaning back in the chair. He looked just as calm and cool as always, confidently casual and not phased.

"Well ... are you seeing anyone? Are you taken?"

Her voice was teasing and playful.

He chuckled.

Despite the distance between us, his action still made my stomach tingle.

When he didn't respond, she laughed, "I'll take that as a yes then?"

"No comment." He smirked.

"Ooh ... interesting."

He just laughed and then she did too.

A sense of pride washed over me watching him talk, more like not talk, about me. It was only him and I that knew what the truth was behind his comments as it was our whole current reality.

Despite everything, I was proud that he was mine and I was grateful for his presence in my life. Truthfully, he and I were very different. But somehow we clicked and fitted together perfectly harmoniously.

We were definitely opposites in terms of personality and character, and I was attracted to the features of his personality which I did not possess myself such as his effortless confidence and easy ability to get on with others.

The bright voice of the radio host continued.

"So, I'm sure I'm speaking on behalf of everyone in asking," she teased. "Are there any new tracks that might be coming out soon?"

He grinned smugly. "Maybe."

"Can you give us any more information than that?"

"I don't think I'm allowed to say anymore." He chuckled.

"You can't ever give us a hint about your new music?"

He shook his head, his smile almost uncontainable. "All I can say is, I've been working a lot in the studio ... so we'll see."

The way in which he spoke and conducted himself was with such superiority and self-assuredness that he seemed much older and more mature than his young age.

Despite the fact that he was not physically close to me, I could still feel his presence and charm emanating through the screen to the point where it almost felt as though he was sitting in the room next to me.

"Ooh exciting!" She exclaimed.

He chuckled at her enthusiasm.

During the rest of the interview they talked about his music, including the success of his latest singles and various possible collaborations for the future, as well as about his upcoming concert that weekend.

"So you're performing in Manchester on Saturday right?" She asked.


"How are you feeling about that? Nervous? Excited?"

He smiled casually. "You know what, I'm really looking forward to it."

Although it was a bright smile which to most people would appear genuine and cheerful, I knew it could go even brighter; I had seen it when he was with me.

"I do always get a bit nervous before any show obviously," he continued, "But getting to perform in Manchester is always the best."

"You know, I just love your energy, you're so positive."

He grinned in amusement. "Negative energy gets no one anywhere."

He had asked me if I wanted to go to the concert with him, saying I would get VIP backstage access and be able to watch him from the side of the stage, and obviously I said yes. I couldn't wait to finally watch him perform in person to a live audience doing what he loved.

We had also discussed finally announcing our relationship.

Although it seemed somewhat unnecessary, as we did not need to declare it to his world of fans for it to be real, it seemed like the right time as it would ever be.

He suggested making it public at his concert that weekend and I was initially against the notion, the idea of a lot of a big crowd and a lot of attention on me was not the most appealing thought, but as usual he managed to convince me otherwise.

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