7. Full Moon Night

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~Emerson Wordsworth

What is this?

Why am I in a forest with tons of trees and pin drop silence?

Most importantly, how did I get in here?

I looked around to find a key or button, like those shown in a movie or dramas, but I found none. Again, I tried to check around my surroundings to find a way out, but there seemed to be nothing. Only dark, tall trees were in the view inside this deceptive, suffocating forest.


This can't be.

I have to find a way out.

How did I get in here?

How do I get out of here?

Holy shit dude.

"Is anyone there?" I yelled, placing both of my hands around my lips, in order to make it louder. But there was only the echo of my voice which was heard.

Fucking shit.

Panic seized inside me, making it hard for me to continue breathing at this point. My breathing became quick, while my hands started trembling, thinking about all the worst possible outcomes of this situation. I tried to calm myself down by taking several deep breathe, which was going down in the gutter, because who the fuck can calm down in a situation like this?

Is this a prank? Or is this some kind of trick played by family members or my shitty siblings and cousins?

"Mom! Dad! Nuri! Shinyoung! Is anyone there? Where are you guys? I swear I won't kill you guys even if this is a prank! Please just come out!" I again shouted in loudest voice I could have right now, accompanied with a very shaky laugh, which makes my fear and panic transparent. I hoped for any answer, a single yes or no, a single word, a single laugh, any single familiar voice, anything I could hear that would calm me at this point.

I was again met with this killing silence instead.

One place which had always been my favorite was woods, or forests. I, as a werewolf, loved woods or forests, for it was always where I have had my runs. Sick or healthy, these places always used to calm me whenever I would come to have my runs along with my other wolves. The fresh scent of tress and their flowers, fruits, wet soil, fresh grown grass accompanied with my own scent would be the best thing I could ever have asked for.

But that forest is now my biggest nightmare, and the dawn wasn't helping it either.

"Aunt Dongjoo? Aunt Charlotte? Uncle Hyunyoo? Aunt Andrea? Ethan? Kai? Ash? Anyone? Just Anyone. Please, is there no one?" I again called out, desperately searching with my feet moving hither-thither, while my eyes searching desperately for any single known figure which can be seen around.

"Hello! Is there anyone around here? Any living being? Any other kind of species except these green shit?" I yelled again, this time, with clear anger and rage that was bubbling inside me.

No answer.

I was now an inch away from passing out here, my eyes suddenly becoming blurry, while my head started spinning, making it hard for me and my already wobbly legs to stand on the ground anymore.

"Hello!" I yelled again, on verge of crying now, and yet again, I heard my own voice several times.

I bent down on my knees with my blurry vision, while tears were threatening to come out of my eyes. I started searching the ground, desperately looking for something. Any clue, any key, any riddle, anything.

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