I step back as he holds out a hand for me to take so he can greet me. I struggle taking of my ring but his hand stops me. He takes my hand and slides my ring off.

He looks at James and tries to smile but clearly fails as he gives my ring back and looks away trying to distract himself

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He looks at James and tries to smile but clearly fails as he gives my ring back and looks away trying to distract himself.

"There's no better end for Jack Sparrow than bilge rat aboard the Flying Dutchman. I propose an exchange." Elizabeth says breaking the awkwardness

"Will leaves with us and you can have Jack." I say

"Done." Will says

"Un-done!" Jack says

Beckett says still looking hurt but hiding it

"Elena, love, you're condemning me. Again." he says pleading me

I shake my head.

"Jack is one of the Nine Pirate Lords. You have no right!" Barbossa argues


"We have no choice Jack." I say

Truth be told, I have a very soft heart even though Elizabeth calls me the cruelest.

Barbossa frowns, realizes: Jack is up to something. Jack
doffs his hat.

"As you command, your highness." He says as he kisses my hand

"This changes nothing, we are close friends." I say sternly as he steps back

He starts to cross to Beckett but suddenly Barbossa grabs Jack's
shoulder and whirls him around even as he draws his sword.

"Blaggar!" he cries

Jack evades, but not quite.Jack's circlet coin drops to
the sand. Jack the Monkey scurries to pick up the coin. Jack
raises his eyes to Barbossa. The two men regard each other. Unexpectedly the monkey gives me the piece. I look at James but he seems to be having a staring competition with Beckett over me.

"If you have something to say, I might be saying something as well." Barbossa says

"First to the finish, then." Jack says

Jack walks over to Beckett as Will goes into the spot Jack was in. Beckett looks at him and points to jones' left. Jack ignores this and goes into the middle of them. Beckett point ps sharply to Jones' left again as Jack hesitantly obeys his order.

"Do you fear death?" Jones asks Jack his famous line

"You have no idea." He replies, face full of disgust

"Advise your 'Brethren': you can fight, and all of you will die. Or you can not fight, in which case only most of you will die." Beckett says bitterly to me as he was furious knowing of my marriage

"You murdered our father."
Elizabeth says shaking her head upset

I here was mostly furious. I felt like shooting this man right now, in front of everyone.

"He chose his own fate." Beckett argues

"And you have chosen yours. We will fight ... and you will die." I say my voice getting evil

"So be it."
Beckett says but the anger suddenly fades away and he looks upset again

James finally speaks but ends up not pulling up a fight with Beckett for me

We turn away and go back to The Empress furiously, his hand still around me as I held it.


A mere drop of rain pattered onto my face like a tear drop. The amount of rain increased as I wiped the drops of me. Rain started to patter down onto the deck faster and faster. It sped up rapidly. The water started to move dangerously.

"Steady men!" James shouts as the crew struggled to stand properly

"Tai Huang! You give orders for now!" I command

We swing to the Black Pearl as I stop to the railing and hold onto a rope with Elizabeth, still irritated.

"You will listen to us!LISTEN!" I shout

"The Brethren will still be looking here, to us, to the Black
Pearl, to lead. What will they see? Frightened bilge rats aboard a
derelict ship?" I shout

"No. They will see  free men. And freedom! And what the enemy will see is the flash of our cannons. They will hear the ring of our swords. And they will know what we can do!" I continue

"by the sweat of our brows and the strength of our backs! and the courage of our hearts!" Elizabeth encourages

I gaze around the deck and all the Brethren ships.

"Gentlemen...Hoist the colors." Me and Elizabeth say in usion

"Hoist the colors!" James repeats

"Hoist the colors!" Will shouts

"Hoist the colours!" Everyone repeats

It's picked up by the crew, a murmur as they move with purpose
to their stations, past and around Barbossa.

"Yo,Ho,All hands,Hoist the colors high!..."

"We've got the wind on our side, boys, and that's all we need!" Gibbs shouts

Me and Elizabeth turn facing all the other ships.

"HOIST THE COLORS!" We say to be heard loudly

Everyone cheers and all flags are pulled up as they sing.

"Yo, Ho, Haul together,Hoist the colors high ... Heave ho, Thieves and beggars, Never say we die!"

The Admiral And His belovedWhere stories live. Discover now