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Jin simply wondered what was the purpose of life, what was after death, he didn't know why people like him or Hoseok had to suffer like that.

It was so painful to see how his little sun had faded away and he was dying slowly drowned in a deep depression.

His heart gave a pang warning Jin to stay strong because he was sure there were worse things to come.

He decided to leave Hoseok in his sister's care, before he too collapsed at his best friend's side. Areum saw how his son was running away and wanted to go with him but Jungkook prevented him, instead Jungkook hurried after Jin.

Jin kept walking trying to contain himself, breathing deeply and slowly moving his hands on top of his chest.

"Inhale, exhale everything will be alright Seokjinnie," he encouraged himself but couldn't his desperation towards commented squeezing his head tightly burying his nails into his skull.

Jungkook reached him his mind blocked and his heart ached to see him in that state, so he didn't hesitate to run and pull Jin's body close to his own body, hugging Jin tenderly and caressing his hair while sweet words escaped from his mouth.

Jin kept fighting with his demon between exerting control over his emotions or letting himself be carried away by Jungkook but the demon won because he let himself be carried away by the warm words Jungkook was giving him, he let himself be carried away by the man who made him good and bad at the same time.

He felt everything going slowly, he felt unreal but he liked the sensations that Jungkook provoked in his worst moments, he liked to feel loved somehow, he liked that one-sided love.

"Jin honey are you okay," the third voice brought them back to reality, then, then Jungkook pulled away from Jin but gently so as not to hurt him.

"Why does your mother's idiot boyfriend have to hug you," Minho questioned with his hands fisted and his frown Minho looked annoyed "Aren't you going to answer me," Minho not getting a look or a single word grabbed Jin by the collar of his shirt to "Will you keep quiet," Jin looked up and met Lee Minho's cold hard stare.

"Are you planning to hit me for not answering something you don't care about," Jin replied with an expression Minho couldn't understand "You have no right to have an answer, you're a stranger, you're a piece of shit," small drops of tears left Jin's eyes, his heart, his soul hurt like hell. 

" Asshole you dare to answer me like that,". 

"Leave me alone," Jin repeated the same as he hit hard Minho's arms that held his shirt, he ran away with a broken heart, with the heavy cross he carried on his back.

He ran, ran until he ran out of air.

He met Hoseok when he was ten years old, since then they became best friends, now everything had become cold colors, Hoseok had stopped smiling, he had stopped attending classes, he had moved away from him.

He was no longer that sun that shone for everything and that for everything he smiled always trying to get a smile out of him.

He felt helpless, he could not offer him a sincere smile and tell him that everything would be better, because he did not know if it would really be better.

He left his house looking for his best friend's house, his brother opened the door for him, a brother he knew he had until the day of his mother's death.

"Hello Jin," he greeted "Hoseok hasn't come out of his room, he still doesn't want to eat, I don't know what to do."

"Can I try," Jin asked shyly towards the boy.

"Come in, it's your house you can last as long as you want that's if, if there is any progress let me know," Jin nodded and as he entered the house, the warmth of that house was gone.

Jin knocked on the door countless times but it was never opened, so all he could do was to release sweet words to the air in the hope that his friend could and would be listening to him on the other side of the wall.

FALLING INTO TEMPTATION | JINKOOKDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora