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-2 years later.

Phuket became a second home for Ayyan who lived in the same house with Mangkorn.
Passing the final year at Phuket school even entering the local university in here.
The two were always together, both as friends and as boss - bodyguard.
Tian forbade Mangkorn to not let Ayyan make new friends, it was to avoid what happened to Akk in the past.
So whenever someone approached Ayyan for whatever purpose, Mangkorn would come forward to intimidate them. No matter if his image was considered a scoundrel, even Ayyan was often called the son of a conglomerate, indeed.

"If it's not the sea, then it's you." It sounded sweet but Ayyan's pathetic laugh at the end of the sentence showed that it was a bit boring.
If he didn't go to Phuket's sea to unwind, then he would go to Mangkorn to talk.

It's a bit strange that the two of them aren't in love.
Two years together, just the two of them at school and at home, even at the sea.
Mangkorn remained true to his stance as a bodyguard who would not fall in love with his master.
But now the problem was Ayyan.
He was in love... With Mangkorn.

"Are you hungry?"

"Hem, I'm hungry."

Ayyan noticed Mangkorn who immediately got up from sitting on the sand with him  to go look for something Ayyan could eat.
Maybe because of this? Ayyan was in love with Mangkorn who put him before anything else.
Like being pampered, that's why he no longer protests about being dumped in Phuket by Tian.

After the second year ended, Akk let go of communication with Ayyan as well as Mangkorn.
Even after the day of honoring Tuaphu's death, Akk always avoided all conversations with Ayyan, he also refused every time Pupha asked him to look after Ayyan temporarily when Mangkorn was required to work outside Chiangmai, until Ayyan had to get a new bodyguard to replace Mangkorn.
Neither Ayyan nor Mangkorn had any intention of mending fences with Akk, whose heart has since been filled with hatred.
Ayyan could not stand by Akk to accept his opinion.
Mangkorn did the right thing, but he also felt guilty afterward that Ayyan should continue to stand by his side.

As time passed, that love faded away.
Ayyan slowly forgot everything about Akk.
Even before the two started out as two people in love, Ayyan first saw Mangkorn as a replacement for Akk.

"Ayyan, I just found this squid satay."

Mangkorn carried almost a crackle full of seafood satay.
Ayyan looked surprised, this satay stall was quite far from their villa home as well as from Phuket's marine tourism hawker area. Mangkorn reasoned that there were only a few drink stalls and sweet snacks in this area, all of which Ayyan disliked.

"We can go home and eat the leftover pizza from this afternoon."

"Since when did you become so caring like this?" Mangkorn asked. In Chiangmai, even when Mangkorn went out for food in the rain, Ayyan wouldn't care this much, he said it was his duty as a waitress too.

"That was when I was less mature, damn it."

Mangkorn was about to eat the satay but Ayyan stopped his first. He said he was already annoyed that Mangkorn had brought up his arbitrary behavior in the past.
Well, Mangkorn just complied, he wasn't that hungry anyway.


Leaving Ayyan's Phuket life which is slowly getting better, we will now go to see Akk who is currently in Bangkok alone.
Akk was also transferred from Chiangmai during the end of their school year, Pattaya was Pupha's choice at the time for Akk's safest place.
A place filled with his memories with Ayyan.
If Ayyan easily forgot Akk, then the class president had a hard time.
Even now that he was in Bangkok to start his first year as an Engineering student.

Personal Bodyguards -season II- ENDINGOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant