part 58

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After that he too lay behind her after a hour she got conscious and she see that she was tied she wàs struggling to come out but she can't come she was doing so much noise because of that he too wake up he get up from the bed went to the make coffee for both of them he came and sat next to her

Kk take it
Teju how
Kk oh ur hands are tied right
Teju haa
Kk I will make u drink this

He took her cup near her she slowly drank it after finishing coffee karañ kept that on talnble

Kk ok now let's talk
Teju karan leave me please siya will waiting for me
Kk but only for you not for me right
Teju yes
Kk what yes haa u will say her that I am her father tomorrow ok na
Teju no I won't
Kk why she is my daughter right
Teju yes but I can't say
Kk u will say and after that we will live happily Three of us
Teju no way
Kk u will
Teju no no no
Kk so this is ur final discussion
Teju yes

He angrily went to the cupboard took the injection and came near her sit next to her

Kk so u will not say
Teju no
Kk teju please don't irritate me I am asking last time
Teju no no no
Kk ok

He took that came near hand he wàs supposed to inject but teja struggling to come out

Teju karan are you mad
Kk yes I am mad
Teju why are doing this to me I am ur wife right
Kk so now u r saying u r my wife so u r my wife right say siya that I am her father ok na will u agree

T in mind if I say no he will inject that to me better to say yes after going to house I will manage

Kk say fast yes or no
Teju ok I will say
Kk that's like a good girl come let's go
Teju yeah remove this

He immediately loose the tied she came out of that both went to the house

What will happen ñext say in comment section

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