part 63

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After sometime he thought that she was sleeping so he get up from the bed and went outside after that she also get up from the bed and followed him but he was so fast he went first

He reached the old house took the gun from the cupboard and shot the guy without any concern this was all seen by teju

Teju noo
Hearing the he turn around and see teju was standing he immediately leave the gun she came towards the the man who' was shooten by gun and started to cry after sometime she feels he was breathing slowly she immediately went near karan

Teju karan come let's take him to the hospital
Kk no response
Teju karan pls come let's go
Kk no no no
Teju pls karan this time is not fighting please karan
Kk who he is to you
Teju karan
Kk what is the relationship between he and you
She was ñumb not accepting the fact what he was saying to her
Teju what you think about our relationship
Kk I thought you have affair with this guy so only you are meeting him daily so that's why I killed him

She was totally shoçk she went the  person who was near the Karan and started to beg him for come with her he accepted

Teju and that guy take him to the hospital but it was too late so he died while going to the hospital she started to cry more after that both took him to the àshram and did all the rituals

At last she thañked that person and went to the house and see km and kp are sitting on couch she directly went to the room and started packing the bags karan was seeing all this at last he went near her trying to hold her hand but she jerked it

Kk why are you paçking
Teju no response
Kk ok you decided to live with him leaving me
Teju haa do you any problem
Kk yes I have because my baby is growing in ur womb
Teju oo now you are thinking about baby not me ok but I will not live here who' doesn't give me a respect

She started to move he also follows her she went near km and kp took the blessings was about to him but

Km where are you going
Teju where I get peace
Km ur are getting peace here
Teju no màa ur son thinks that I was in affair with my brother I told him  that I will introduce him but he was not he just shoot brother iñfront of me I can't live with a murderer like him I can't

Everyone was in shock especially Karan he immediately went near her started to beg her to be here but she refused and leave the house añd went outside

Flashback ends

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