part 28

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Next Karan wake up and see teju is not there so he get up and went towards washroom and see nobody is there so he went inside fresh up and came
He went down and see teju is cooking so he went near her hugged from backside
K good morning baby

T good morning

K y didn't u wake me up

T because my baby is sleeping peacefully so I thought ñot to wake up u

K ok wt is special today u r making breakfast

T nothing I thought to give some free time mom

K ok

T ok come let's have we want to go for college also

K as u say madam

They went and sat mom dad also came and sit they finished the breakfast and went to the college

In college in Karan cabin

Karàn wàs preparing some notes someone knocked the door he sàid come in that person came inside Karan was looking book

Sm hi Karan

K hi wt is work

Sm I am here to join ur college as professor

K ok fill ur details in paper and submit

Sm filled details in paper and gave to Karan

Karan saw the name and shocked

Sm how r u sunny

Karan saw him he went near him hugged him tightly

K when you came shivin u didn't inform me

(Sm is shivin Karan friend in childhood)

S I am sorry

K ok come let's go for room

They went inside and sat started talking to eaçh other

It's lunch time so teju came to cabin but didn't fond him so she went to the room and Karan was talking to someone she can't see his face his back was facing him she went near him and shocked to seeing shivin

T shivin

With that karan and shivin looked at teju

S cutie

Karan wàs confused here shivin came near her hugged her she also responded Karan was feeling jealous because teju was hugging shivin

T when u came after a long time

S some hour before

K what is happening here

S Karan she is çollege friend but only one year because she shifted to other college

T yes Karan

K ok

T shivin he is my husband do u know him

Shivin was iñ shock he do no Teja was married

S yeah he is my childhood friend

K yeah

T ok come let's have food

Three of them went and eat the lunch

T so y u came here

S because I joined here as professor

T congrats shivi

(Here our hero feeling jealous)

S thanks

K I think it's late shall we move for classes

Both nodded three of them left

Wt will happen ñext say in comment section

Angry or more jealous

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