part 42

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Next morning karan wake up and see teju is not there so he went to the washroom fresh up and came down and see teju wàs helping km  so he went and sat on chàir after sometime teju arranged food ànd served for everyone but she didn't eat

Km tejà come
Teja I will eat later
Km ok

Three of them eat their food karan went to the parking spot after sometime teja eat the food went to the room here karan was waiting for her but she didn't came so he went inside the house but didn't fond her so he went to the room and see Teja was arranging clothes he went near her

Teju did you want something
Kk are you coming or not
Teju where
Kk don't act smart
Teju I am not
Kk for college
Teju I am not coming

Kk why
Teju u know the reason
Kk so u r not coming
Teju no
Kk do what ever you want to do

And then he left she also finished arranging clothes she went down and sit with km

Km why u didn't went to college
Teju simply màa
Km ok çome let's have lunch
Teju yeah

Both eat the food and went to the room for rest

Here karan didn't eat anything he was missing her badly so he called her but her phone wàs silent so she didn't receive so he thought that she was still angry on him so he went to the classroom

Evening he went to the home and see teja and km were cooking so he went to the room fresh up and came down

All of them eat their food went their room and slept

2days went like that both didn't talk that much only talking formally both are missing each other badly

Next day night teja was standing on balcony karan came late he went inside the room and see teja was standing in balcony he didn't said anything went to the washroom fresh up and went down bring the food for bedroom.     ( because he know without him she will not eat)

He kept the plate on table went near her hugged her tightly from the backside teja was crying silently after sometime he broke the hug turn towards her and see she was crying

Kk laddoo shh stop crying
Teju I am sorry
Kk ok ok stop
But she didn't stop she was crying continuesly he don't have another option so he started kissing her after sometime she felt relaxed he broke the kiss
Kk ok now stop thinking or crying
Teju I am sorry
Kk ok shh come let's eat

They both eat the dinner and slept hugging each other

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