part 11

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Next morning Karan wake up first he saw teju looking cute he came near her kissed on forehead

K teju get up

T 5 min

K no we want to go for çollege

She get up

T good morning

K good morning baby

T get up and fresh

K no

T y

K I want something

T what

He was just looking at lips do she understands went here him and stared kissing karan was shocked after sometime he also respond after 10 they break kiss

T ok now go

K ok come soon love you

T love you too
He left and she also freshup and went down vidhi was arranging breakfast

T good morning Vidhi

V good morning teju

T where is karan

K I am here good morning ladies

T /V Good morning

Three of them finished their breakfast went outside

K teju with whom ur going

T haa

K say teju u r coming with me na

V no teju is coming with me

They started arguing at last teju

T stop it

V/K. Ok say

T so

V/K say fast

T I am going with Vidhi

V yeah see bro

Karan was sad he left from there without saying anything

V I think u should go with him

T its ok come

They also left

In classroom Karan came he wàs looking sad

Std. Good morning sir

K good morning everyone sit

Teju was continuesly seeing feeling guilty

K so let's start so everyone have u finish ur sums

Everyone say yes expect teju

K why tejasswi

T sir I was on leave

K ok complete and come

T ok sir

Class over he left

Teju went to the cabin knock the door but it was open so she went inside but no wàs there teju know in cabin it has room so she went towards room
She opened it went inside and shoked

What will be that comment me

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