part 46

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In India Karan wake up and went to washroom fresh up andcame down and see km was arranging breakfast so he went sat there

Km served the food three of them eat 

Km I want to tell you something
Kk haa ma
Km I think we should think about vidhi marriage
Kk yeah but she is loving someone right
Km I know with that guy only
Kk ok u call vidhi and talk to her
Km ok I asked pandith they said next week is good so shall we continue next week
Kk ok màa I will go

He went out sat on car
Kk in mind vidhi marriage means teju also come I just want to see her and my little princess

Then he went to the college

Here km called vidhi

Km hi vidhi
Vidhi hi màa
Km we are talking about ur marriage all of them said ok what will you say are you ready
Vidhi yes màa but suddenly I will tàlk to his parents
Km ok talk with them and come soon we are waiting for you and ask her to come pls
Vidhi pls màa I am really tired asking her
Km try once
Vidhi ok màa
They cut call

In London vidhi cut the call and came down and see teju is cooking and Siya is making noises he went near them

Vidhi good morning Siya
Siya good morning cutie

She went inside the kitchen

Vidhi good morning
Teju good morning
Vidhi maa called me and said they fixed marriage next week
Teju congrats I am so happy for you
Vidhi so I am quiting my job
Teju ok come let's eat

Three of them eat their food and went they dropped siya and went now only vidhi and teju are there

Vidhi teju I am going tomorrow morning
Teju ok go
Vidhi are you coming with me
Teju no why
Vidhi ur friend is marriage and u r not coming
Teju vidhi u know naa why I am not coming
Vidhi I know but my marriage right pls once marriage done I will not force you to be there promise pls
Teju ok I will think
Vidhi thank you I am so happy
Teju ok calm down

They went to the college vidhi gave resignation letter and went to her boyfriend home

In evening vidhi picked teju and siya and went to the house Vidhi packed her clothes and came do
wn and see teju was lost in thinking and Siya was trying to talk to her so she near them

Vidhi teju
Ño response
Vidhi teju(loudly)
Teju haa
Vidhi where you lost Siya was trying to talk to you but u lost somewhere what are you thinking
Teja nothing
Vidhi what u think about it
Teju I will come but after two days
Vidhi why after two days u can come with us right
Teju vidhi
Vidhi ok I am happy that u r coming that's it
Teju ok come let's eat

Three of them  eat the food and went to their rooms

In teja room siya was sitting on teju lap
Siya màa
Teju haa
Siya teaçher asked me something
Teju what
Siya what is ur father name I don't know his name so say his name
Teju was in shock she don't know what to say she wàs lost thinking
Siyà màa say
Teju hàa
Siyà say(Loudly)
Teju siya just stop how many times I told you not to ask that

Siyà started crying she get up from the lap went to the bed slept well crying teju feel bad for shouting at her she also went slept next her

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